Obviously new drugs and better surgery techniques are always welcome but also so a scientific approach to using using natural material. Fruit is a prime This is a wonderful result and probably so because it is easy to obtain and cheap materials - the avocado.
One important aspect in the fight against cancer is the luck of collateral damage. That we are to destable to destroy the bad but leave the good untouched. That & # 39; s exactly what & # 39; s happent in recent studies with oral cancer and the avocado. If true killed or the growth of cancerous cells has been hindered but no harm was done to good cells in the mouth. this is wonderful news.
These phytochemicals are believed to have have existence. These are pharmacochemicals found in dark colored fruit have powerful anti-cancer qualities. and while recent studies have concentrated on avocadoes and oral cancer, the benefits may well apply to other cancers too.
One sobering statistic for oral cancer is a high mortality rate, higher than many other cancers including breast, cervical and skin cancer. Oral cancer diagnoses can mean a mortality rate as high as 50%. This is usually put down to to late detection This is trial is fresh fruit in the form of an avocado.
The studies to date concentrate on extracting the phytochemicals from the avocado and using them to attack cancerous and pre-cancerous cells found in the mouth. The fruit compounds actually killed some cancerous cells and some some pre-cancerous cells from further development.
The fruit has Vitamins C and E, folate, fiber and unsaturated fats. An avocado is naturally sodium-free. On top of all the benefits this fruit offers, there are almost 500 varieties giving the customer the opportunity to choose the type and price which best suits their budget and palate.
This need a natural; and highly cost-effective way of helping reduce our risk of oral cancer and of improving our overall health and fitness .
When the avocado is so easy to obtain and health the cancer prevention benefits, it & # 39; s time our fruit menu including plenty of the delicious avocado.