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 Natural diabetes diet - healing electrical approach -2

For diabetic patients, diabetic foods that meet specific energy requirements are especially necessary. In addition to requiring energy for daily activities, diabetic patients need tailored food for diabetic patients and can regenerate damaged organs and tissues. Wound healing, major organ disorders, high cholesterol levels, and various forms of diabetic neuropathy benefit from the electrical approach in spontaneous diabetic diet.

Did you think about why we feel loss of energy, why become diabetes? Perhaps I have heard the expression that love is really a chemical one. I realize that chemical substances in our bodies are involved in the transmission of electrical impulses that dominate many of our functions. You can appreciate your understanding of your own incredible operating system flaws and the power in your diabetic diet to regain your health.

Our human beings operate and are driven by electricity. Electricity is measured in milliampere and millivolts and we are made up of a collection of battery cells that power us. Our battery consists of electrolyte. We have a power generation system. Bones have positive and negative poles. The brain is our hub and control center.

Everything in the body is caused by an electrical impulse. Electrical impulses become a stimulus for chemical reactions and become stimulates or catalysts in the body due to more electrical impulses. This will let us know who we are and we will allow us to function in the whole state.

As the result of the electrolyte imbalance affecting the electrical network system, often as the potential drops, this then appears in frequency drops.

Each of our organs has its own frequency. As the frequency decreases, certain organs automatically attract tissue (pathogenic) and frequency. Many of these pathogens are attracted by the frequency of impurities such as heavy metals and toxins and are attached to these toxins. Many studies are being done and by Dr. Hulda Clark there are several books documenting these and other important findings.

When these different impurities are present in your different organisms, pathogens are attracted to their various organs, causing inflammation. Inflammatory infections Pathogens that cause pain in certain parts of your body. If there is no proliferation of this bacterium at your body part, there is no pain.

When we are young, this has been reduced. Frequency brings short-term outcomes of not only energy deficiency but also unhealthy. The energy sent to do various activities is now taken and sent by pathogens like small mini batteries. Afterwards, more energy is spent on the body's efforts to prevent invasion of pathogens and pathogens.

As we get older, the body becomes more tired, the period of fatigue (energy shortage) will be long until reaching the age of middle age and lead to chronic illness or premature death. We live in the electric world. The determinant factor of our success is how much energy we have to achieve what we want. If we have infinite energy, we will live forever.

In the search for diabetes treatment, it is necessary to identify and remove the cause of diabetes and make natural diabetic meals really effective. Avoiding the cause and increasing the healing factor results in a difference between regulating diabetes and completely reversing diabetes. This is an electrical approach to healing is suitable. Natural Diabetes Dietary Life, What You Should Do To Live With Your Optimum Electrical Capacity, How to Eat, How to Correct Electrical Imbalances You Already Have, Health, Energy Lives Naturally Creating the life you desire.

When we are interacting with other people and being fascinated by their personality (friendship, love, kindness, charm, etc.), we can attract, energize and share . The difference between a happy person and a depressed person is the extra energy / electricity output to the surrounding world. This same principle works with mood changes experienced in diabetic patients.

The secret to replenishing the lost charge is to replace the electrolyte in the cell. This can be done by adding expensive inorganic ingredients from raw raw food and fresh vegetable juice with an enzyme content at least once a day. Nutrient concentration determines the amount we can eat food can produce cells. This will determine how we look and feel.

Here we are increasing drinks to make truly wonderful electricity:

Electric juice tonic

1 Organic apple

1 Organic carrots

1 cup of fresh organic parsley

Four leaves of spinach

6 celery sticks

1 or 2 wedges of lemon (whole organic lemon of skin and marrow) - adjusted according to taste

Before drinking juice and drinks.

It is good to eat this juice 20 minutes before meal or drink a large glass of juice instead of eating dinner. Mix saliva and juice before swallowing - "chew" the juice. Celery is ideal for slimming and kidney health. Parsley works as a tonic of the nervous system unless it exceeds the glass of parsley juice in one day.)

The electrical approach to diabetic diet will raise your food choices to a whole new level when choosing what to eat based on how it affects your body. Taste of food alone is a debilitating disease, a safe guide when trying to overcome diabetes, sometimes awkward complications. Combining knowledge and understanding about the real benefits of eating high energy, regenerating food and making the taste you want with these ingredients will lead to a strong recovery from disease to health.

 Natural diabetes diet - healing electrical approach -2

 Natural diabetes diet - healing electrical approach -2

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