Nerve Injuries & Nerve damage Treatment: Energy Healing for Restoring Nerve Disease, Nerve Disorders & Peripheral Neuropathy
Whether you have a pinched or severed nerve, sciatica, peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy symptoms, stroke or brain damage, a nerve injury creating paralysis, or any loss of physical sensation or movement, nerve damage is an annoying and dehabilitating chronic condition that can benefit from energy healing.
Dr Robert Becker in his book "The Body Electric" was electoragnet impulses could regenerate that electromagnet impulses and restore nerve function. Directed electromagnetic impulses can reestablish musical movement through electrical current stimulation. According to CBC News, "The functional electrical "Christopher Reeves used electrical muscle stimulation on his legs to prevent atrophy and within his diaphragm to encourage breathing movement and TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) machines deliver small electrical pulses to the body via electrodes and has widespread clinical use for pain relief from nerve damage.
According to James L Oschman, "Healing energy, produced by a medical device or projected from the human body, is energy of a particular frequency or set of frequencies that stimulates the repair of one or more This "transfer of directed electromagnetic frequency stimulation affects the patients cellular molecular system and the" cascade of activities initiated by such signals may provide essential "Energy Healing is non-invasive and there are no clinically documented adverse events in existing literature.
The table below, demonstrating the electromagnetic frequency used for restoration is taken from Sisken & Walker in 1995.
Table 1
Healing effects of specific frequencies (frequency windows of specificity)
Frequency Effects
2 Hz Nerve regeneration, neurite outgrowth from cultured ganglia
7 Hz Bone growth
10 Hz Ligament healing
15, 20, 72 Hz Decreased skin necrosis, stimulation of capillary formation & fibroblast proliferation
25 and 50 Hz Synergistic effects with nerve growth factor
Today medical research has confirmed that the application of directed medical treatment fields into active repair, even in patients unhealed for as long as 40 years & # 39; (Bassett 1995). The mechanism by which & # 39; active repair & quot ;, & quot; active repair & quot ;, & quot; activation & quot ;, & quot; or & quot; repetition of the channels required for initiating and coordinating injury repair through the focused electrical impulse stimulation inherent in energy healing. independent case study research data: INTENSIVE HEALING FOCUS: Paralyzed dog & # 39; s spinal cord nerves, discs and vertebra regenerated published in Dr. Daniel Benor & # 39; s The International Journal of Healing and Caring the benefits of healing energy in traumatic nerve injury.
As a medical intuitive and distance energy healer, research confirmed the evidence based healing capabilities of electromagnetic impulse energy healing.
Traditional procedures and treatments will eventually merge with what we now call alternative medicine, to become the "integrative medicine" of the future.
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Contact Information:
Brent Atwater, Alternative Medical Specialist
Medical Intuitive, Distance Energy Healing
ATL, GA Phone: 404.242.9022 USA
NC Phone: 910.692.5206 USA
Website: http://www.brentatwater.com
Email: mailto: Brent@BrentAtwater.com
Disclaimer: Brent Atwater is not a medical doctor or associated with any branch of medicine. Brent works in Alternative & Integrative Medicine. She offers her opinions based on her intuition, and her personal energy healing work, which is not a substitution for medical procedures or As in traditional medicine, there are no guarantees with medical intuition or energy work.