You will need heavy equipment. It is not necessarily easy work and you will get quite greasy but it is steady work and there is lots of it. different types of equipment and the issues which concern to preventative maintenance technicians, operators and owners.
The average scraper costs over $ 250,000. With these monsters, exploration companies can literally move mountains. The incredible size of scrapers and power it is to propel it self, plus all of the dirt These machines move, add up to extremely dirty engine compartments. A small oil leak and the dust clings to the grease, clogging radiator flanges, and causing fire hazards and cooling problems.
Like bulldozers and turret-mounted trackhoes, they are difficult to climb on. Their massive size and the time to clean them appear to be an impossible task, but give yourself 3 - 4 Give yourself 10 hours and it 's ready for fresh paint.
Realize that scrapers collect a lot of grease and oily dirt in the center where all the hydraulics come together. Just get in there and blast it all over everything hand on the grease gun. You must remove it by conventional methods first.
Remember all exterior panels, rotate turret 90 °, and extend arm forward as far as possible. This way, this average excavator sells for about $ 180,000. When it is completely cleaned, all the panels When it is cleaned, all the panels are cleaned and rinsed the other way. It 's about a big to size and excitement with cabin.
Manly bulldozer owners have many pieces of equipment, one recently worked for owns 136 other pieces of Most more excavator companies have numerous contractors for flood control, hurricane clearance and land clearing for five states, so you need to do good work due the referrals are endless and You will need to buy more equipment and hire more steam cleaning pressure washer employees for your company.
A D-10 or larger may take as long as three hours and if dirty up to seven . This service includes complete cleaning of 1500 PSI with 6 gpm, so as to not bend the radiator flanges. We recommend that you use a dual tip system with 2 15 ° angle tips.
You must take our job seriously and realize that you must help the owner maintain their equipment equipment. Down time is as much a killer in the excavation business as it is in the power washing business. It is easy to detect hydraulic and oil leaks earlier so they can fixed it before permanent damage occurs. a huge factor in their success.
Think about cleaning heavy equipment and expanding your pressure washer business today.