The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It runs through the back of the waist, down the back of the legs. When this nerve is stimulated, the condition is known as sciatica. This usually occurs around the sciatic nerve compression or the beginning of the nerve root. Severe pain can arise from this painful condition, which occurs from the waist through the buttocks to the back of the legs. Usually, only one side is affected. Other symptoms include debilitating muscle weakness, insensitivity, movement problems.
There are several common risk factors related to sciatica. For this, you need to sit at the same position for a long time, frequently lift it heavily, twist your back frequently, or move the body excessively for a long time. Diabetes is occasionally pronounced to sciatica due to nervous system injury associated with diabetes. Also, the process of aging tends to weaken the spinal cord as it ages, which can be a factor.
There are many treatments people challenged for sciatica. Among these are acupuncture, analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, yoga, chiropractic treatment, stretching exercises and surgery. Many of these methods have the risk of causing more problems than before starting treatment. Many analgesics are additive and have side effects. Surgery is also dangerous as with all surgical procedures. Surgery is usually done as a last resort if all other treatments are exhausted without result.
In today's society, health treatments are becoming widespread as health risks are lower, and people are discovering that these therapies will actually function without receiving strong medications or risky surgery. One of the natural sciatica palliative treatments being studied with good results is to consume potassium rich diet. This includes foods such as bananas and potatoes.
Another natural treatment is water treatment. The doctor recommends that you relate the pain associated with sciatica when the water temperature soaks for about 20 minutes close to the normal body temperature and takes a hot shower.
Massage is also known to be useful for relieving sciatica. It is also useful for prevention. As with reflexology, good results can be obtained by massaging the painful area and then applying ice. By working at the reflection point around the sciatic nerve, you can cure the pain of the sciatica. Periodic practice of yoga is helping to promote healing of sciatica. Muscle stretching helps relax the pressure on the sciatic nerve.
In today's health conscious society, naturopathy is an excellent choice over conventional methods. Alleviation of natural sciatica accompanies good results, without any harsh side effects.