It will eventually affect all the plumbing fixtures in your house and can lead serious problems.
There are several signs that will alert you to the problem that your sewer drain is clogged.
• Multiple plumbing fixtures clogged If one of the fixtures is backing up, that is a sign of a probable clogged sewer drain. Since toilets have the largest drain line and a direct path to the main Next in line would be the bathtub and shower, as they are located lower than the sinks. Also, we are unusual to have a clogged drain and the toilets. , signs of a clogged drain will show first in the lower floor or basement toilet and sink are clogged, you need to call a plumber right away.
• Unusual events when using plumbing fixtures - You could flush the toilet and the bathtub backs up, that is an unusual reaction. Another would be turning on the tap in the sink and seeing bubbles in the toilet, the toilet begins draining or the toilet water rises. Lastly, if the washing machine is draining and any nearby fixtures backup or a toilet overflows, then you probably have a clog somewhere.
• Main line clean out The main line clean out is a three or four inch diameter pipe that comes up from the ground with a cap on it. Open the clean out by either pulling off the cap or unscrewing it. if water is flowing up and out of the clean out, or of there is standing water, that will tell you that you definitely have a sewer drain clog.
There are also some other basic signals as well including the following:
• The odor of raw sewage coming from your drains.
• A gurgling sound that might indicate a clog somewhere in the system.
• Water seeping out around a floor drain may be an indicator of a clog.
• Another thing to watch is the toilet as you flush it. If the water level is not the same after flushing as it was before, you might have a problem.
If there are trees nearby, their roots may have encroached into the pipes and could be clogging the drain.
If any of these signs are obvious, it is imperative to call a plumbing professional as soon as possible.