"Greek" Malformation or Monstrosity "is Tera. This is the root of the word, teratogenicity and teratogenicity. Teratogenicity studies are essential to the future health of newborns. Although the incidence of inborn faults is inherently horrible, there is a possibility that they may decrease only if they are isolated as a root cause of a particular anomaly. Some defects include mental retardation, cleft cleft, sadly, the birth of a baby without arms and legs. Anomalies are important for the future of endangered embryos and fetuses. Many teratogenic substances have been identified, but there are many more that remain anonymous. These teratogenic substances identified are specific with regard to the abnormalities they cause. Some of the research problems are inherently ethical. For this reason animals must act on behalf of humans in their research. Whatever means are not perfect substitutes, you can lead research in the right direction. There are a couple of things you can do to minimize the chances of pregnant women getting these abnormalities.
Background information on teratology
How experts define hypnotic agents
Looking at how experts in this field define teratogenicity and malformation is quite consistent. According to Laura E. Berk, teratogenic substances are "all environmental agents that cause damage in the prenatal period." Dr. Wendy Chung defines "for abnormal development of embryos and research on the cause of congenital malformation or congenital defect" for Columbia University. Finally, the Children's Hospital at the State Library of Wisconsin simply states that "Teratogenicity is a drug that may cause birth defects." Sometimes, simple things are best to describe complex things.
Simple history
The history of teratology is that physicians and bacteriologists Robert Koch began experiments with B. anthracis and found that it could cause disease and that the disease could be transferred from one host to another It dates back to 1867. In order to find a causal relationship between a particular pathogen and a particular disease, he used various criteria that he assumed necessary for this decision.
In 1890, he created a text checklist called Koch's Postulates that looks like this:
"Scientists must find the same microorganisms in all people with a particular disease." Furthermore, certain microorganisms must be able to grow on laboratory pure culture media, and healthy When reintroduced into an animal, or when a human must once again develop the disease. "The assumption of Koch became the starting point for many studies, but it was not complete One of the important elements executed contrary to hypothesis is the fact that the virus requires living cells Koch It is believed to be the first proof that the disease was caused by microorganisms.
Science of teratology
Terrestrial formalism is a scientific academic field that has increased scope and height since its founding. This is based on the idea that embryonic and fetal development abnormalities are occasionally caused by external or environmental sources. Many malformations are prominent at birth, but despite being present at birth, there are comparable figures in later life. These flaws range in severity from unimportant things like ear tags to major ones like missing limbs. Also important are: "The greater the number of mild malformations, the more likely the associated serious malformation is."
Teratung introduction timing
In the development process of embryos and fetuses, there is an important time when embryos and fetuses are most sensitive to foreign substances. The time frame during which certain organs and body parts are at the peak of development is also the period during which these same organisms and body parts are at the greatest risk of being adversely affected by the introduction of teratogenic substances. According to Dr. Zhen, "Embryos are most sensitive to teratogenic substances in the rapid differentiation phase." Also, Human Teratogen, an important evaluation written for the mother-and-child program at a hospital for Toronto's sick child, said Orna Diav-Citrin, MD, Gideon Koren, MD, FACTCT, FRCPC, It says so. There is specificity in that it causes specific abnormalities at specific times during pregnancy. "
The specificity with respect to the timing of the introduction of teratogenic substances is maximized. In the Wisconsin State Children's Hospital example, "Teratogenicity that may interfere with neural tube closure is that exposure to teratogenicity must occur during the first 3.5 to 4.5 weeks of pregnancy, This is particularly serious as the neural tube becomes the brain and spinal cord, the common defects resulting from this are the spinal cord half and anencephaly. About the neural tube being closed It can be seen that there is a small window of opportunity for the teratogenic substance to be introduced in the week.Other teratogenic substances can be administered to other parts simultaneously or in different parts according to the organ or body part in the rapid developmental stage It is also thought that two or more teratogenic substances are responsible for various congenital anomalies in various conditions at various times.These multiple invasive drugs can be used for the treatment, Specific combination to promote the formation of abnormalities Merge with.
The most sensitive period during which teratogens cause damage during pregnancy is in the embryonic period covering the first 8 weeks. This is the phase in which most development takes place. By the time fetal growth occurs, most (but not all) important developmental period has elapsed. For example, the heart and limbs are fully formed until the end of the embryonic stage. Ears, eyes, teeth and palate are nearly complete, but they are still under development, but they are in danger at the fetal stage. The central nervous system is exposed through pregnancy, but the high risk is until 20 weeks.
Teratoma associated malformation
Teratoma is responsible for extensive abnormalities
Teratomas are associated with various congenital defects and abnormalities of all severities. Some congenital abnormalities include, but are not limited to heart disease, mental retardation, cognitive deficits, deficits or illegal shaped limbs, and all forms of cancer.
It is also recognized that birth defects are not uncommon. It is estimated that 1 to 3% of the general population is born with serious defects. The statistic increases to about 5%, which is considered to be present at birth, that is, 1 to 20, taking into account adult abnormalities. Approximately 25% of all major congenital defects are thought to be of genetic origin. Perfect 65% has no etiology or cause unknown. The remaining 10% is suspected to be caused by environmental exposure including radiation and infectious diseases.
Teratogenic substances are also target-specific. That is, they do not affect each organ or limb equally. Different teratogenic substances attack different body parts at different times. For example, thalidomide, when harvested during the early embryonic stage, can cause deformity or defect limbs as early as four weeks. Exposure to the virus at the embryonic stage can cause mental retardation, ocular cataracts, hearing loss, urine, genital organs, heart, and intestinal defects. On the other hand, when exposure occurs at fetal stage, damage is less likely to occur. One of the most tragic teratogens must be alcohol because 100% can be avoided. It can cause other abnormalities through mental retardation and pregnancy.
Terroristic factors of cause
Defect-related variability
The amount of injury caused by teratogenicity depends on other variables such as heredity, dose and other factors. Heredity is important in that it is important how specific people respond to environmentally reactive substances. Everyone is different. Logically, the dose is also different. The greater the dose, the greater the harm. Exposure to radiation, environmental pollutants, smoking from tobacco products, and secondhand smoke are risk factors as well. Ingestion of alcohol, prescription drugs, illegal drugs may also cause multiple congenital defects.
Radiation exposure
Exposure to radiation during pregnancy is particularly dangerous. Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident in Ukraine caused a massive damage to pregnant women in a bomb accident in Ukraine. Slow body growth, delayed brain development, and extreme physical deformity are part of the malformation caused by exposure. Even seemingly innocent X-rays are known to cause an increase in childhood cancer.
The environment is literally filled with artificial pollutants and spontaneous pollutants. Mercury, PCBs, lead, and thousands of other substances are introduced in the environment, and many new items are issued every year. Mercury was in our water supply and ocean since the 1950s when various industrial plants released waste containing it. As a result, the children were born with many abnormalities. Physical transformation, lack of coordination, mental retardation all go back to mercury. Even today, most fish contain a certain amount of mercury. Sixty years later, pregnant women are advised not to eat fishes and shellfishes, corn, tuna, and sharks in particular.
PCB was used for electrical equipment. Like mercury, they were released as waste, resulting in a food chain. All problems with low birth weight, smaller head, skin, gums and nails are connected even if the level of PCB contamination is low. Taiwan is particularly contaminated with PCB in the form of rice oil.
Until the 1980s, lead was the source of most paint. Lead-based paint still covers the wall in old buildings. Some of the problems associated with lead exposure include brain injury, low birth weight, and many different physical defects. Lead has also been shown to be the root cause of youth antisocial behavior.
Thankfully, smoking has never been so prevalent during pregnancy. The American Heart Association etc. helped a lot, as long as it allowed consumers to recognize the dangers of smoking. Clearly, the amount of smoking is not healthy, but the risk is definitely related to the dose. More smokers - or exposed to smoking - the greater the potential damage to embryos and fetuses. Smoking mothers are slow in reaction, muscle tension, low birth weight, decreased heart rate, and the incidence of asthma are high, with a high likelihood of cancer in early childhood. Even passive smokers (who do not smoke themselves but who are affected by surrounding people) are at risk of having infants with low body weight, respiratory diseases, and long-term attention injuries.
Drinking alcohol is a very bad idea for pregnant women. Fetal alcohol syndrome, partial fetal alcohol syndrome and other alcohol related conditions are particularly tragic in that they can be completely avoided. Alcohol is known as a causal factor in infants with minor to extreme, and with all of the abnormalities between them. Many malformations are determined by how often mothers have drunk and how much they drink. All problems including slow growth, brain damage, heart, immune system, genitalia, eyes, ears, nose, throat are all possible. Other problems caused by alcohol consumption include the occurrence of justice disorders, decreased motor skills, inappropriate sexual behavior, mental health problems, and other problems.
Medicines that follow doctor's instructions are generally safe for mothers, but the same can not be said about embryos and fetuses. All narcotics (legal or illegal) may hurt the unborn baby. As a result, all women during pregnancy are encouraged to avoid all medications, absolutely unnecessary in the first 8 weeks.
Discussion and Conclusion
Study research
For ethical reasons it is clear that there are no studies involving human testing. Animals who are not humans and have different pregnancy periods are used to examine drugs and teratogenic substances. In general, it is estimated that potential threats are likely to be present in humans when multiple species exhibit the same susceptibility as a specific teratogenicity. The only study involving humans is inevitably essentially retrospective. That is, when abnormality is confirmed in a newborn baby, it is difficult and time-consuming to track the mother's walk after conception. Today, this is essentially the only way to find and discover possible causal relationships with teratogenic substances.
Drug classification
In 1980, pharmaceutical companies began classifying products labeled with potential threat levels into fetuses. There are five categories ranging from category A showing that the medicine does not have a harmful effect and category X showing that the medicine is related to a specific congenital anomaly and should not be used for pregnant women. This seemed to be a logical step to assure the highest safety possible, but some experts believe that pharmaceutical companies are more likely than birth defects resulting from the use of their products He appealed that he may be concerned about the law. However, the existence of Category X indicates that known fetal abnormalities in both humans and animals are indicated, so it provides concrete evidence and indicates what to avoid. So it is not perfect, sometimes confusing, but labeling is worth maintaining.
Minimize risk
It is clear that healthy pregnancies depend on myriad factors. There is no way to absolutely eliminate the possibility of congenital malformations. It can not be achieved without living in a self-contained environmental bubble. However, you can reduce the risk by using common sense during pregnancy. Please be careful to take something containing prescription drugs. Avoid alcohol, tobacco and other toxins - It is important to exclude not only those in the environment but also prescription medicines that are not essential medically.
Teratogenic substances are everywhere in the natural world. They are in the food we eat, drinking water, in the air we breathe. There are obvious differences in food pollutants, but please avoid fish and raw or raw ones. Many people do not manage drinking water, but refined bottled water is obviously preferred over common tap water. Although respiratory air can certainly not be of help, it is prudent to avoid high pollution zones. Today, there is environmental teratogenicity more than ever, and it is introduced everyday. While progress is progressing, unfortunately research is far behind, largely due to the ethical limitations inherent in research.