Treating celiac disease helps diabetics with type I diabetes
If you have afflicted with CD, every time you consume the protein of glutenous wheat, rye and barley contain a protein called gluten. This reaction damages the reaction intrinsically on the small intestine. This reaction damages the villi, which are tiny protrusions lining the small intestine. CD and type 1 diabetes have certain genetic hits in common and there are more chances of type 1 diabetics having celiac disease and vice versa. It would be better if we are aware of vital signs of celiac disease with Type 1 diabetes and its effects.
Insulin is a vital hormone for the body that permits glucose to be converted into energy in the body fors of insurin producing capabilities. The connection between celiac disease and type 1 diabetes goes beyond autoimmunity and diet. diabetics with type 1 diabetes, there are about 5% who may be found having celiac disease. It is often a case where diabetes is diagnosed first as its symptoms are not noticed first.
There are no specific vital signs of CD with Type 1 diabetes. ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 There may be delayed emptying into the small intestine, incomplete absorption of food, nausea and vomiting., gastroparesis is not reversible with diet but may improve with strict control of the blood sugar.
Some other symptoms that may be commonly seen in diabetes as well as celiac disease, extreme thirst, excess urination with unmetabolized sugar and proteins, bad breath and the lack of insulin in the blood. Symptoms related to celiac disease may not be obvious at all but includes mild weakness, bone pain, chronic diarrhea and abdominal bloating. Among children maybe delayed growth, delayed puberty, irritability, behavioral changes, vomiting, dental enamel abnormalities.
As the intestine heals on gluten-free diet, the absorption rate of food is more predictable, and insulin requirements increase as carbohydrates are absorbed. Those with diabetes and gluten Sensitivity need to be treated with gluten-free diet to help them achieve better control of their blood sugar.
As celiac disease is hereditary, other family member need to be aware of the various signs and symptoms and undertake tests for the disease Timely treatment can help keep keep the disease in control for a healthy life.