As most of you know, studies have shown that class of drugs known as statins effectively lowers cholesterol, and for about one in 33 users, lowers the chances of having a heart attack.
There are about 80 reported statin drug side effects that may occur, some of them can be very dangerous. Recently, the British Medical Journal statins for cholesterol, it was shown that the risk of liver damage, kidney damage, muscle damage, and / or cataracts was increased.
It is fairly common knowledge that most drugs come with side of the effects of certainly nutrients in the body, or the depletion the nutrients. This is required for all cellular functions, so being depleted of this nutrient can be devastating to your body.
To properly repair and rebalance your system, and there are other things going on due to the chemicals in prescription drugs, including free radical damage, interference with the cellular energy, and liver stress (since it is the main filtering organ within the body) you would normally need to find five or six separate products.
I do not take statins as my cholesterol is normal; it is a company called Starm Relief. It has been fifteen separate ingredients that will reduce or eliminate the side effects of statin drugs. However, I have personally tested this product as have several friends who are doctors and scientists. those few days after stopping the statin relief , the side effects of the cholesterol-lowering drugs returned. on, after going back on the stance Relief, the side effects again went away. They are convinced Statin Relief has safely solved their side effects issues.
There is plenty of There's plenty of There's plenty of With a blend of nutrients to help spare and heal the liver, replace lost CoQ 10, recharge the muscles, Look for it in your local stores or contact the Statin Relief company (StatinRelief.com).
I believe you will be quite happy that you did.