You do not feel it. You may not have it. I do not have a good time.
It is very important for your overall health, probably even more than you realize, unless you are already having with problems with it.
I am talking about your liver ... the body & # 39; s detoxification organ. It is almost all physiological process of the body and processes over 500 different chemical functions.
Some of these functions of the liver that are required for healthy living include:
1.) acts as a filter that cleans the blood,
2.) breaks down excess hormones
3.) helps maintain water and body fluid salt balances
4.) assists in the digestion and metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins
5.) regulates blood sugar
6.) helps the body detoxify from drugs, alcohol and other toxins
7.) plays an important role in the immune system
Since your liver is such an important part of your body functioning, it is easy to see your when your liver becomes weak from toxins, you can develop lots of health problems.
*** Every minute, over a liter of blood is filtered through the liver.
Do you now understand why it is important to keep it healthy? Since the liver provides such crucial benefits to your body, you must keep it working properly.
Since your liver is such a vital organ, you need to detoxify the liver and keep it functioning at its optimum level.
How do you know you have you trouble with your liver? Some symptoms of liver problems are:
- food allergies
- groggy, sluggish feeling, exhaustion
- flushing of the face and hot flashes
- arthritis
- hay fever and asthma
- aches and pains
- digestive symptoms (dirrhea and constipation)
- gallbladder problems and stones
- increased cholesterol levels
- headaches, especially migraines
- insomnia
- feeling "on edge"
- anger, irritability, and defensiveness
- severe body odor
- skin disorders (acne, eczema, psoriasis, rashes, etc.)
- varicose veins
If you have any of the above symptoms, you may need to think about what is generating your liver to be giving you problems.
Think you are not damaging your liver? Think again.
- Do you eat fatty foods?
- Do you drink alcohol?
- Do you take prescription and over the counter drugs?
- Do you work around chemicals (Examples: beauty parlor, dry cleaning, carpet cleaning, house painting, pest control, chemical law maintenance, auto repair shop, etc.)
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can not control this environmental toxins, but we can take steps to keep our liver as healthy as possible. After all, you need it to live.
What can you do to make your liver healthy?
1. Start by doing a liver cleanse and then beginning removing the toxins built up from years of abuse from the environment, prescription and over the counter drugs, alcohol, and an unhealthy diet.
We will consistently put toxins in our bodies from our environment as well as our diets, you should continue to take liver cleansing supplements on a daily basis.