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 Diabetic gastroparesis -2

Diabetes is a disorder caused by metabolic problems. It is typically characterized by blood glucose problems, but it can cause other problems such as diabetic gastroparesis. This is a condition where the stomach is not empty and may lead to many health problems associated with diabetes itself.

An estimated 23.6 million Americans are currently living with diabetes and an additional 1.6 million people are diagnosed with disease every year. There are three major forms of this disorder, type 1, type 2, and pregnancy. Patients with diabetes are struggling to regulate blood glucose levels. Usually, when we eat, the sugar in our food is broken down into glucose before being carried by the bloodstream, and the cells provide food for the energy around the body.

For cells to take up glucose, the pancreas must produce insulin. However, in the case of diabetic patients, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. This means that cells can not produce glucose to produce energy and perform their necessary functions. Glucose accumulates in the blood and always passes through the urine.

The main symptoms of diabetes include excessive thirst and appetite, frequent urination, fatigue, abnormal weight fluctuation, etc. Another problem that may occur is gastroparesis. This happens when the stomach is delayed in the sky. This typically occurs in type 1 diabetes, but type 2 is similar as well. Normally, people with diabetes do not show symptoms about 10 years ago.

Gastroparesis is the result of vagal nerve damage. It is responsible for the regulation of the gut and the muscles involved in food processing. Diabetes is the main cause of gastroparesis, as its nerve is chemically altered by its disorder, and blood vessels supporting nerves including oxygen and nutrients are damaged. Therefore, it can easily damage the vagus nerve.

In gastroparesis, the vagus nerve does not inform that the stomach should digest food and pass it along the intestines. Indications that there is a possibility of gastroparesis are as follows.
Heartburn (acid reflux)
Weight loss

Gastroparesis may cause more serious health problems such as bacterial infection if undigested food sits in the stomach and rots. It can also form a hardened mass called bezool which later contributes to intestinal obstruction.

To protect people from these problems, many doctors prescribed Riglan to gastroparesis. Unfortunately, the side effects of regran are more severe and can lead to permanent obstacles like late onset dyskinesia.

 Diabetic gastroparesis -2

 Diabetic gastroparesis -2

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