Acupuncture treatment involves the insertion of fine, sterile (Acupuncture treatment involves the thousands of years in the world. needles into specific sites (acupuncture points) along the body & # 39; s meridians to clear energy blockages and encourage the normal flow of energy (Qi) through the individual.
Acupuncture correct imbalances of flow at identifiable points close (1) close to the promise that there is patterns of energy flow (Qi) through the body. to the skin. Today, acupuncture is an effective, natural and increasingly popular form of health care that is used by people whole over the world.
Acupuncture needles are so fine that they are inserted into a slight tingle (known as needle sensation) may be experienced. The needles are usually left in for about twenty minutes to more; The doctor / practitioner may also stimulate the acupuncture points such as moxibustion (a traditional technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb used to facilitate healing), cupping and electro -stimulation etc. in order to re-establish the flow of qi.
Since acupuncture and moxibustion Medicine promotion the body & # 39; s natural healing ability, many conditions can be treated. The effectiveness of acupuncture is well-documented. Throughout its long history, acupuncture has established a solid reputation as an excellent alternative for health care that that works, and is very effective to treat some diseases, where other methods of treatment could not achieve good result or failed.
Because avoid many complications in possession adequate knowing and experiencing treatment to avoid / treat patients by quack / fake Acupuncturist. There are many around us without proper qualifications. Because evidence knowledge and experience may lead to serious medical problems.
The World Health Organization recognizes Acupuncture as a viable means of treatment for a wide range of conditions. In an official report, Acupuncture: Review and Analysis of Reports on Controlled Clinical Trials, the WHO has listed the following symptoms, diseases and conditions shown through controlled trials to be evaluated effectively by acupuncture:
low back pain, neck pain, sciatica, tennis elbow, knee pain, periarthritis of the shoulder, sprains, facial pain (including craniomandibular disorders), headache, dental pain, tempromandibular (TMJ) dysfunction, rheumatoid arthritis, induction of labor, correction of malposition of fetus (breech presentation), morning sickness, nausea and vomiting, postoperative pain, stroke, essential hypertension, primary hypotension, renal colic, leucopenia, adverse reactions to radiation or chemotherapy, allergic rhinitis, including hay fever, bash colic, including depressive neurosis and depression following stroke), acute bacillary dysentery, primary dysmenorrhea, acute epigastralgia, peptic ulcer, acute and chronic gastritis.
Some diseases are more successfully treated by acupuncture and Moxibustion where other methods of many of clinical researches have been completed, However, this method of treatment has not been quitted in number of medically qualified acupuncture doctors available in our country and lack of proper perception about this application in some specific diseases, the patients are depriving from the advantages of Acupuncture & Moxibustion treatment.
Man, of the facts and figures quoted in the following sections are the results of my own experience and clinical trials carried out in China and the other countries countries .
Diseases of the Muscles, Bones and Joints:
When muscles, bones and joints are usually collectively called the musculo-skeletal system. This type of pain. Almost pain results in pain, and most people use words such as rheumatism or arthritis to describe this type of pain.
The first is a sudden injury or sprain which may be a domestic injury, or may be incurred during a sporting activity or in a car accident. This usually causes local pain The other main group is arthritis and this can be divided into two important types, Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
Sprains: Sudden injury or sprains usually respond to a sprained shoulder, ankle etc will often continue for several days or weeks after the initial injury. Once a clear diagnosis has been made acupuncture can usually be used to relieve this type of pain.
About 70 percent obtainable swift and significant pain relief. If a fraction of the bone is present then the pain relief gained from acupuncture is less less A sudden shoulder injury may produce pain and immobilization for many months, tendons or ligaments. The main advantage of treating these acute pains with acupuncture is that chronic pain can be avoided. sometimes years, but if acupuncture is used when the pain occurs then it looks that chronic pain may be avoided.
Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis: Osteoarthritis and the rheumatic pains that common arms ritic knee pain is worse in cold or damp weather and this demonstrates quite clearly the origin of the concept of pathogens in traditional medicine. The pathogen in osteoarthritis is almost always cold or damp and so with these pains should be treated by moxibustion.
A great deal of research work has been done to investigate the effects of osteoarthritis. Clinical trials have been completed on knee, hip, elbow, neck and lower back pain, and the information from these trials show that significant pain Acupuncture also has a 'magical quality & amp; # 39; that drugs do not have, so it is difficult to sort out the effects of the & lt; & quot; magic & # 39; compared to the real effects of acupuncture. In spite of these problems, acupuncture is a safe and effective form of treatment for osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: the early, acute, inflammatory stage of rheumatoid arthritis there is some evidence to suggest that acupuncture may worsen the pain (which is usually subside gradually) and there before many acupuncturists do not treat acute rheumatoid arthritis. This type of pain is amenable to acupuncture and responds in the same way as other osteoarthritis. Aches and pains. The published research has been present for many many years can not respond as well as past therefore, from the available information, it is fair to say that acupuncture is & # 39; always worth a try & # 39; i n this type of condition.
Headaches: Headaches can be to a multitude of factors; arthritis of the neck, dental problems, psychological problems, sinusitis, stress and tension, and head injuries are headaches are a common complaint and a notorious difficulty one The published work suggests a published variety of headaches, especially migrainous headaches, and the results acquired have very encouraging. Acupuncture therapy for headaches may cause the headaches may completely different from headache may relief from acupuncture treatment. Migraines seem to respond as well as, to not better than, other types of headache. The pain relief generated from acupuncture treatment can sometimes be maintained for some years and re-treatment is usually required less frequently for headaches.
Diseases of the Nervous System:
Strokes: A stroke is caused by a disturbance of blood supply to the brain can compromised by becoming blocked or bleeding. This result in a deficient blood supply to the brain tissue and these events The brain is divided into a number of functional areas, one area controlling speech, while another dominates the sensations of touch and pain. If the speech area is damaged, the patient may be lacking blood supply then the patient may be unable to speak properly. In China, acupuncture is the standard treatment for strokes. In the Western countries, the mainstays of stroke treatment are speech therapy, physiotherapy and occupational therapy, but the Chinese feel that these methods have less to offer th an acupuncture medicine. Both scalp and body acupuncture are a stroke. The research work suggests that the blood supply to the brain, and for some unexplained reason this seems to improve functional ability and acts as a stimulus to recovery after a stroke.
The success rate ___ ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 I am stroked in the West. Ideally strokes should be treated within the months of the months. The Chinese doctors are treated for patients for long periods and a stroke patient may receive one hundred or two hundred acupuncture treatment sessions before being declared a success or a failure.
The Chinese acupuncturist claim to be able to gain improvement, with acupuncture, in about 70 per cent of cases of trigeminal neuralgia. Judging by the experience of Western acupuncturists this success rate is a rather high figure, only acupuncture can unduly have a beneficial effect on this type of pain.
Posttherpetic neuralgia is the viral infection of the nerves, and the nerves affected by shingles can occasionally continue to cause severe pain after the shingles has cleared. It sees that of those patients with established posttherpetic There is a vast number of aches and pains that are often described as neuralgic. Many of these occur as facial pain and most of them cause severe discomfort. It is always worthwhile to attempt to alleviate these pains by using acupuncture treatment.
Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia and Other Nervous Disorders such as anxiety, Insomnia and depression, as the problems themselves are difficult to assess objectively, and therefore no good clear figures are available about their treatment with acupuncture. many acupuncture engineers, including the Chinese, treat a wide range of 'mental disorders' with insomnia (sleep problem) with acupuncture. Many people have stated that acupuncture is clearly effective in helping In Chinese trials involving over 400 patients They claim a 54 per cent cure rate for this disease, with a further 30 per cent showing & # 39; significant improvement & # 39; Thus this therapy has a great role in brain related problems or neuro-developmental dysfunction.
Chinese doctors claim that some 50 50 Nerve Paralysis: Paralysis can also be treated by a doctor in need of some time 50 Sometimes daily for six months and the results from some of the Chinese research works are very encouraging. -60 per cent of patients are likely to gain significant return of function if treated with acupuncture.
Acupuncture and moxibustion can be used to treat this and the research claim a 75 of Facial paralysis (Bell & # 39; s palsy) is a disease of sudden onset that that one side of the face to lose muscular power. Even have for the known level of spontaneous resolution. incentive for the further level of spontaneous resolution in in acupuncture, almost not complete recovery. facial paralysis it does seem that acupuncture has something extra to offer.
Parkinson 's disease, Epilepsy, nerve deafness etc: Acupuncture has been claimed to be effective in Parkinson' s disease, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, nerve deafness, and a large variety of other problems. According to some studies, Parkinson & # 39; s disease may be accompanied by an imbalance of energy along one or more meridians. The muscle stiffness, soreness, imbalance etc. of Parkinson 's may be alleviated by a series of treatments. It is always wise to remember that acupuncture is a harmless technique and can sometimes give excellent results in above cases where other medical methods have failed.
Autism / ASD, Cerebral Palsy etc: Acupuncture along with herbal therapy has been found highly effective for treating children with brain dysfunction, resulting in improvement in the patient & # 39; s overall functional abilities. Excellent results are being achieved through simultaneous application of Acupuncture and There are several research papers, articles etc. I have published all over the world about my efficacy of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicines in this context. In my I am also getting very effective result. I am not getting very effective result. I am also getting very effective result. I am also getting very effective result. Some of them improved tremendously just after few days of treatment.
ADD and ADHD: Acupuncture can help the patient to manage the attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD), and may provide some relief which will help the patient to gain greater benefit from the therapies available to him or her, Acupuncture can be an excellent complementary. It is a good comprehensive understanding of the most effective treatment for this therapy. therapy for the treatment of ADD and ADHD. A study showed that, Acupuncture treatment has a good effect on infantile attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, its total effective rate was higher and the changes in abnormal electroencephalogram and the curative effect were better.
Diseases of the Digestive System:
IBS: An increasing number of studies have treating IBS, with promising results. These studies have documented that medicine can be treated IBS in a safe and drug-free way.
That arises from a number of acupuncture doctors indicating that about 60 per cent of patients gain some long-term relief of their symptoms with acupuncture.
Diseases of the Respiratory System:
A recent Chinese clinical trial on asthma showed that some 70 percent of asthmatics gained a & # 39; Asthma: Acupuncture causes the contracted muscular walls to dilate; This result is encouraging as it shows that acupuncture and moxibustion can affect the response of the affect of the decrease and frequency of intensity of asthmatic attacks The body to the environmental stimuli asthmatic attacks. Our clinical experience also supports this efficiency of acupuncture and Moxibustion medicine.
Bronchitis: Acupuncture can not rebuild lung tissue, but by opening up the breathing tubes it can allow the remainder. The mechanism of acupuncture in bronchitis is probably much the same as in asthma, more air to enter the lungs. On the other hand acupuncture treatment also help to to be retained. control the infection effectively in bronchitis.
Diseases of the Heart and Blood Vessels:
A variety of experiments carried out in the western countries give clear support to the idea that acupuncture does not have an effect on the circulatory system.
This is already supported supported by this type of acupuncture on the heart, and they have a marked increase in the functional ability and efficiency of the heart muscles after acupuncture. When acupuncture is used to treat angina a course of treatments is given, and then followed by booster treatments.
This Correction of Abnormal Heart Rhythms: Heart diseases can frequently cause an abnormal rhythm to the heart beat; this may manifest itself as palpitations, an irregular heart beat, or dropped beats. Acupuncture can correct a small number of these arrhythmias. In established atrial fibrillation (irregular heart beats), acupuncture affects a small percentage of cases, some 1.5 per cent, almost in recently acquired arrhythmias, acupuncture can be effective in up to 70 per cent of cases.
The Use of Acupuncture in Addiction and Obesity:
There is some excellent quality of physiological and clinical evidence to support the use of acupuncture method in these areas. The withdrawal symptoms experienced by people giving Some people believe that the desire to eat is also mediated by the endorphin level in the brain. It is clear that endorphin levels through the nervous system can It has been stressed that acupuncture. It must be helped with acupuncture can not replace willpower. It can only help the withdrawal symptoms, or hunger pains, experienced by those already motivated and committed to solving their particular problem.
Obesity: Acupuncture seems to treat the problem of hunger who created responsible for weight loss, the acupuncture or the diet, or both in combination. Most acupuncturists claim that 40-50 per cent of their patients experience some significant weight loss during treatment.
Hard Drug Addiction: Some good research work has been done in this field, especially in Hong Kong. It is clear that acupuncture can help to resolve the severe withdrawal symptoms experienced by those coming off hard drugs like heroin.
Acupuncture treatment helps about 40 months ago, it is essential to be well motivated before embarking on a course of treatment. Acupuncture does seem to decrease the desire to smoke and also to alleviate the withdrawal symptoms produced by absence from tobacco.
Reduce the Discomforts and Side Effects of Chemo / Radiotherapy for Cancer:
Current practice guidelines recommend acupuncture as a complementary therapy for uncontrolled nausea and vomiting induced by chemotherapy. The effect of acupuncture on chemotherapy-induced nausea, vomiting etc. has been studied over the past 20 years, and clinical evidence.
The Use of Acupuncture in Obstetrics:
Rather than & ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 39; head first ".
Fertility and Gynecologic Problems:
If drugs or hormones must be used, side effects may be reduced. For women who are experiencing disorders of conception, my own experience suggests that acupuncture and Herbal medicine is more effective and much less unpleasant and hazardous than hormonal treatments or in vitro fertilization procedures.
Foetal Malposition:
After about 60 percent of women the foam turns naturally prior to the thirty-fourth week of pregnancy; this can be increased to 90 per cent with the aid of moxibustion. After There seems to be there. after seventy-fourth week, when natural version is less likely, it is permalently corrected by this procedure. Once corrected, the malposition does not recur, provided moxibustion is applied daily. no available physiological basis with which to explain this finding.
Anaesthesia for Labor and Delivery:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used for caesarean sections in China. The Chinese Acupuncturist claim a 98 per cent success rate in the abolition of pain, a quicker recovery rate from the operation This report finds acupuncture a superior form of analgesia compared to other forms of pain relief (general or epidural anaesthesia) for caesarean Adequate assessment of this form of obstetric analgesia has not yet been published, the experience of a wide variety of acupuncturists in the western world is it that is is useful and effective procedure.
Acupuncture Anaesthesia:
Acupuncture anaesthesia is widely used in a wide variety of operations, from minor procedures to open heart surgery or brain operations. It is unduly an effective form of pain relief in the majority of people, but there is always a small percentage who fail to gain adequate analgesia from acupuncture. In general, acupuncture permits for a safer operation, with less likelihood of complications, and a swifter post-operative recovery. (Excerpted from Acupuncture: It & # 39; s Place in Western Medical Science , George T. Lewith MA, MRCGP, MRCP)