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 The Importance of Amino Acids in Your Daily Regime <br/>-2

Amino Acids and Athletic Performance

Most experts and studies are that athletes. Most experts and studies are that athletes who do endurance training or intestinal bodybuilding should consume up to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight each day. High altitude athletes may need as much as as 2.2 grams of protein per kilogram per day. Those athletes who under-eat protein can suffer from malnutrition or injuries during training exercises. amount for athletes does not help an athlete gain muscle mass, however.

Anabolic Amino Acids

One speculated benefit of amino acid supplementation is that hormones in the body, such as Ornithine and Arginine, will increase the muscle mass of the athlete, changing the body composition and how raising in muscle size. It is important to use a crystallized protein supplement and one that is NSF "Certified for Sport" so that this is professional athletes to use the product without fear of becoming tested positive for illegal substances or anabolic steroids.

They are exercised and degradation of protein and reduce muscle loss during intestinal exercise. Branched chain amino acids (BCAA), such as Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine, Secondly, BCAA enzymes are able to reduce exercise (Mercifer) as consuming these enzymes during energy int. -induced fatigue. The enzymes are taken up by the muscles during exercise so that oxidative metabolism (metabolism using oxygen instead of muscle) takes place.

L-tryptophan induces a sudden psychological and physiological need to rest, signaling the time to stop exercising and is probably BCCA supplements help reduce over training syndrome by reducing the ratio of BCCA to L - tryptophan.

Glutamine also supports muscle growth and development. Glutamine providing fuel as well for white blood cells, preventing the immunosuppression seen in overtraining syndrome.

Many professional athletes are turning to an all natural amino acid stack called gHP Sport. The main reason is because it & # 39; s NSF "Certified For Sport" and they know they can take gHP Sport without fear of losing their career due to banned substances.

Amino Acids and Weight Loss

The amino acid implicated They just tend to be the most overweight individuals do not eat the that of calories required to explain their weight gain. They just tend to burn calories at a lower rate than thinner people and store the calories as fat .

Fat storage in overweight individuals depends on the enzyme known as lipoprotein lipase (LPL). The body adapts to the lower caloric intake and stores as much as the fatigue of crash dieting actually occurring during gain. food intake as possible.

This increased the body metabolic rate of the body and helps reduce muscle weakness in weight Tryptophan, in addition, helps reduce the body from craving for carbohydrates and phenylalanine decrees appetite by improving the amount of the neurotransmitter , norepinephrine, in the brain.

Amino Acids and Aging

Amino acids can affect premature aging. Amino acids are applied applied over alpha-hydroxy treatments in skin aging due to they do not photosensitize the skin and result in a less irritation of the skin than alpha-hydroxy treatments. skin cells and help remove wrinkles, smooth the skin, exfoliate the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines. The appearance of photo-damage is reduced.

It is also a natural anticoagulant and may help reduce cholesterol levels. Leucine is also good for its anti-aging properties. Without enough Leucine, our body will not repair itself well. I am seeing improvement in appetite in those suffering from cancer. Cysteine ​​plays an essential role in the It is preventative against heart attack and cigarettes. It is preventative against heart disease and cancer and boosts the immune system so you will get sick less often. There are several other amino acids that slow or reverse the aging process.

Forms of Amino Acid Supplementation

Some ways to supplement amino acids are not to to provide us supplementation. Amen acids, as mention, come in food like meats, dairy, soy and legumes. They also come in chips them down with water or juice. They also come in tablets, caplets and in tissue forms through health food stores or on the Internet. Amino acids also come in crystallized form, making them highly soluble and pure in the management of the several conditions helped by amino acid supplementation.

The Vitality of Amino Acids in Your Diet

We thrive on carbohydrates, fatty acids and numerous types of proteins. Proteins make up the substance of our organs, glands, hair, nails, muscles and tendons and are vital to our existence. In fact, they make up the bigest part of our body weights.

There are twenty standardized amino acids of which several are considered (essential) because the body can not make them and they must have Amenosis is also part of the creation of heme (a vital blood protein).

Scientists and nutritionists are beginning to recognize the benefit of amino acids in the aging process, for athletes of all types and for women 's health. For example, amino acids provide (myoproteins), which are muscle proteins that aid in building muscle They absorb quickly so that they can easily be used by replenished when used up in sports activities.

The essential amino acids, required in our diet include the following:

· Histidine
· Isoleucine
· Leucine
· Lysine
· Methionine
· Phenylalanine
· Threone
· Tryptophan
· Valine

That are also numerous non essential amino acids that are considered so besides our bodies can create the amino acids from an internal source of body elements.

· Alanine
· Arginine
Aspartic acid
· Cysteine ​​/ Cystine
· Glutamic Acid
· Glutamine
· Glycine
· Ornithine
· Proline
· Serine
· Taurine

The Importance of Several Amino Acids

The following amino acids have special importance when it comes to enhancing bodily functions. Other are essential amino acids while others are other non-essential amino acids that are particularly important in amino acid supplements.


It is essential in the processes of growth and cholesterol reduction. It is an amino acid which is vital to the making of connective tissues in our body like cartilage, tendons and Without a lysine in the diet, people get kidney stones and a variety of other disorders. Athletes who work out a great deal are at risk for lysine deficiency. Lysine comes to our diet through protein and most protein comes from meat and dairy sources This means that vegetarians can also suffer from lysine deficiency as are those who eat diets in cereals and baked goods.

What is Lysine used for?

In addition, lysine helps calcium absorption in the diet so that individuals with osteoporosis can take lysine supplements to help strengthen bones. It is the L-lysine form that works the best on the body.


It also slows the growth of cancer cells because of improving the body & # 0. It improves the body & bodily functions. By releasing the growth hormone of the body, Arginine leads to the best muscle growth and maximum tissue repair in the event of injury. Arginine can also be converted to glucose and its storage product, glycogen, if needed.

Why Do People Use Arginine?

Heart Disease: Arginine creates nitric acid which improves blood flow to major body organs, including the brain, the legs and the heart.

Erectile Dysfunction: Nitric acid is very important in the attainment of an erection. The muscles of the penis relax, must blood to flow in at the time of an erection.

Wound Healing: Arginine helps form another amino acid, Proline, that is vital for the synthesis of collagen (connective tissue).

Where can I find Arginine?

If you take an amino acid supplement, you are already covered. I can not have the amino acid can be found in animal protein, dairy products, soy products and some plant proteins. One can become short on Arginine if there are infections, burns or other injuries and one may need to take a supplement to make the deficiency up.


It helps the liver regenerate itself in case and inheritance and helps insulin function as a muscle-building hormone. Ornithine is There are metabolized during urea (a part of urine) production. There is as conducive to the production of growth hormone. as mention before, growth hormone builds muscle mass. It also improves insulin production. Using Ornithine help Or to improve the appetite, quality of life and weight gain in these people took it following these illnesses. Finally, Ornithine has See shown to help those with severe liver disease, such that the disease is affecting their brain.

Where is Ornithine Found?

Deficiencies in Ornithine are rare but can occur during growth spurts, pregnancy, malnutrition or following severe traumatic injuries .


It also improves the function of the brain and helps with digestive It is considered non-essential but in situ when the condition of the body & # 39; s immune system is highly dependent on the presence of glutamine. Conditions requiring extra glutamine include severe injuries, surgeries, prolonged stress, and infections.

Importance of Glutamine

  • Glutamine benefits the healing process, including those from cuts or severe burns. Glutamine benefits the healing process, including from touru, from major to minor ones. From responds to the elevated cortisol levels present.
  • Glutamine is used also to treat inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn & # 39; s disease and ulcerative colitis. It appears that glutamine heals the internal tissue in these conditions.
  • Glutamine helps AIDS patients who have muscle loss to gain muscle back, along with other nutrients.
  • Athletes who train heavily will reduce their stores of glutamine and benefit from having glutamine supplements. The athlete recovers from injury better, as well.
  • Glutamine can also heal the lining of the intestines during chemotherapy.
Sources of Glutamine

The best dietary sources of glutamine include proteins from animals and plants, including beef, fish, poultry and port, dairy products, raw spinach, raw cabbage and raw parsley.


It is the use of sugar in the body. It is the use of sugar in the body. It is used in the repairing of the body of turning energy, making it useful for athletes needing that extra boost. It is a non-essential amino acid; it is a non-essential amino acid. It is a non-essential amino acid. It is a non-essential amino acid. Glycine has recently shown by research to work with It has been exposed to melanoma (skin cancer), by blocking the formation of blood vessels inside the tumor.

By boosting the body 'it creatine content, it helps to build our muscle mass. Glycine is not only found in it muscle; it is It keeps the skin firmly and flexible as well.

Glycine can be changed into another neurotransmitter, serine, which may be beneficial to the management of schizophrenia. It improves memory retrieval and helps those with sleeping disorders, Parkinsons disease, Huntingtons disease and even jet lag.

What are the sources of Glycine?

Glycine is found in high protein foods like fish meat, beans, dairy products and by medical supplement.


It is a fat-burning amino acid and burns the it with the body with energy and helps regulate the blood sugar in the body. For athletes, it prevails the using up of muscle mass for energy (for sugar) very quickly, making it good for the prevention of muscle loss. Thos suffering from injuries or major surgery may wish to speed healing by taking a Leucine supplement.

Deficiencies of Leucine

Without Leucine, one can suffer from symptoms of low blood sugar, such as dizziness, fatigue, headaches, irritability and confusion. Remember, Leucine is not created by the body and must be gotten from the diet.

Sources of Leucine in the Diet

Those who exercise a great deal but do not have the best diet may wish to consider Leucine supplements in order to prevent Muscle loss and low blood sugar. Because Leucine is used along with Isoleucine and Valine, they should be taken in combination.


Forsole, Isoleucine is an essential amino acid. It also regulates the blood sugar and energies energy. For athletes, Isoleucine is vital in the quick repair of muscle, bone and skin, following injury It is one of three branched chained amino acids (along with Leucine and Valine) and all protect and promote recovery of muscles during and after exercise. It has not done been found that deficiencies of Isoleucine causes fatigue, dizziness, headaches, depression, irritability and confusion.

How can I Obtain Isoleucine?

As an essential amino acid, Excellent dietary sources include seeds, any type of meat, fish, nuts, eggs, dairy, lentils, soy protein and peas. Those who exercise a as with Leucine, Isoleucine should be taken together with Leucine and Valine. They work together to do their important jobs.


It is also helpful in treating diseases of the liver and gallbladder, including the essential amino acid that is treated in the body. In fact, Valine is felt to be necessary for proper mental and emotional function.

Valine is one of three branched chain amino acids (like Leucine and Isoleucine). Together, they regulate the blood sugar and give the body an extra boost of energy. When one exercises, there can be cannibalization of muscle to use as energy. Valine and its cohorts stop this process and instead promote muscle increase by providing glucose as an energy source for the body.

How can I Obtain Valine?

Good dietary sources of valine include meat products, fish, dairy products, mushrooms, soy protein sources and peanuts. Valine deficiency is Valain supplementation should be considered in those who are exercising a great deal, eat a low protein diet or are trying to build up their muscles. Always take Valine with Leucine and Isoleucine, as they work together.

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 The Importance of Amino Acids in Your Daily Regime <br/>-2

 The Importance of Amino Acids in Your Daily Regime <br/>-2

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