It 's easy to sprain the ankle stepping off a footpath without watching, or running to catch a train or bus, let alone injuring it on the sports field. Do you know what to do with simple, straightforward ankle sprain?
These cases respond well to home management in the first few days. Signs the suggestions many cases in the jury. Complete sustainability to take any weight on the foot may be significant, as is the immediate sunset of sliding within minutes of the fall. only way to categorically confirm bone injury is an x-ray.
Thankfully, soft tissue damage is far more common than broken bone in an ankle sprain. If you can take some weight on the foot, and walk or limp a little after the injury, it is fairly safe to assume you have not broken a bone. The following advice is applicable to every acute or recent injury. The rule to remember is RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.
Put it up for the evening. Give up activities such as going to the gym or dancing class for a few days to allow symptoms to subside.
Ice next. At the time of injury, the body was in action, working muscles was dumping blood around the leg, even if the injury only occurred walking along a footpath.
Blood vessels in the area responding to cooling by tightening up, reducing blood pumping into the damaged part of the damaged part. region.
Pure ice, wrapped in a cloth, applied for 15 minutes an hour, every hour for the first 3-4 hours post in jury works best.
An easy way to compress a damaged ankle is to tie on the ice with a bandage or scarf. Just as we put put manual pressure on a skin cut to stop bleeding, compression reduces bleeding under the skin and reduces swelling.
In this position, gravity pushes everything downwards. If you leave an injured ankle down, it will swell more. It makes sense to use gravity & # If you sleep with a pillow under the ankle to assist this process.
How long to recover? If the ligaments were just momentarily overstretched, take it easy for 5-10 days, let all symptoms subside and within 2-3 weeks everything will have settled and recovered. With more damage it can take up to 12 weeks to fully recover.
This really exercise works all the muscles around the ankle, using your own body weight resistance as to resistance .
Some light gym work (non-impact) can begin from 3-4 days post injury. Until you can walk without pain running or contact sports should be avoided.