Wilson & # 39; s disease is a genetic disorder, it is a rare condition, where excess copper builds up in the body causes copper poisoning. Wilson 's disease is quite uncommon and affects 1 in 30,000 people. It is named after Dr Samual Wilson, who first described the disorder in 1912.
Copper is a & # 39; trace metal, & # 39; trace metal, & # 39; trace metal, & # 39; trace metal, & # 39; trace metal, & # 39; This result in periodic deposition of the excess copper in the vital organs such as the liver, brain, cornea and kidneys - and if not treated on time, can prove to be potentially fatal.
Too much copper in the liver cells (the hepatocytes) was born in the liver of the liver. is harmful and leads to liver damage.
Hepato-lenticular Degeneration & # 39; If left untreated, the damage may become sever and ever fatal .
What is the cause of Wilson & # 39; s disease?
The basic under deficiency in Wilson's disease is not known. It is related to levels of ceruloplasmin, an enzyme in the fluid part of the blood that binds to copper and is involved in its transport and In addition, there is is a problem in breakdown copper. accumulation is reduced in copper. accumulation between reduced ceruloplasmin and be liver. also evidence of impaired excretion of copper by the bash system.
How does one get Wilson 's Disease?
One out of 40,000 people inherit Wilson & # 39;; Wilson & # 39; s disease is quite a rare disease. It is mostly inheritable from the parents. It is also quite possible for the mutation to occur spontaneously. s disease from their parents, and 1 / 120,000 (one out of four Wilson 's disease sufferers) get the disease from a spontaneous mutation.
What are the problems related to Wilson & # 39; s disease?
However the genetic defect is already present at birth, it takes years for the copper to build up to the toxic level where it is physically damaging.
Somewhat symptoms of the disease normally start to develop between the ages of 6 and 20, most commonly in the teenage years.
Other signs depend on whether the damage occurs in the liver, blood, central nervous system, urinary system, or the musculoskeletal system.
1. Liver problems -
The toxic effect on the liver cells can cause hepatitis (inflammation of the liver) leading jaundice, abdominal pain and vomiting. If left untreated, damage to liver cells can cause scarring of the liver ( cirrhosis). Sometimes severe cirrhosis and liver failure develop in untreated cases occurrence severe problems.
2. Brain problems -
As copper gets deposited in the brain, it can cause various symptoms:
o Physical symptoms such as an odd type of tremor in the arms, slowness of movement, difficulty with speech (dysphagia), writing problems, difficulty swallowing, a wobbly gait, headaches, seizures.
and may exhibit a & # 39; change in personality such as depression, mood swings, bizarre and inappropriate behavior, depression accompanied by suicidal thoughts, neurosis, or psychosis, inability to concentrate. . # 39;
If Wilson & # 39; s disease is left untreated, the accumulation of copper in the brain can lead severe problems such as severe muscular weakness, stiffness in the body, and dementia.
3. Other problems -
This cause a characteristic feature called Kayser-Fleischer rings - a brownish pigmentation of the cornea. Other features that may develop include anemia, kidney damage, heart problems, pancreatitis (inflammation of the eye pancreas), menstrual problems and repeated miscarriage in women, and premature osteoporosis (thinning of the bones).
Wilson & # 39; s disease is diagnosed with tests that measure the amount of copper in the blood, urine, and liver.
How is Wilson & # 39; s disease diagnosed?
If Wilson & # 39; s disease is suspected, it is diagnosed by tests such as -
o blood test to measure ceruloplasmin - a protein that binds copper in the bloodstream.
o A urine test to measure the amount of copper in the urine.
o An examination of the cornea may show the Kayser-Fleischer rings if they have developed.
o A biopsy of the liver
If Wilson 's disease gets confirmed in a person, then brothers and sisters should also be tested to see if they have the condition. ___ ___ ___ 0 .
Is there a cure for Wilson & # 39; s Disease?
Cure for Wilson ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 improve.
How is Wilson & # 39; s disease treated?
Therefore, the earlier treatment is started, the better the chance of preventing long-time therapy in the body and prevent. term permanent damage to the liver or brain.