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 Earphone Use Can Damage Your Ears <br/>-2


Modernization and technological advancement has contributed markedly to the increase in ambient noise levels. Prolonged use of earphones to listen to music is on the increase, if among the young. If the same is not used it will lead to the damage to the ears.

It is very important to remember that many sounds are reaching 110 dB and it is powerful enough to cause Noise Induced Hearing Loss with a single exposure.

  • The louder the noise the shorter is safe exposure time.
  • The upper limit of safe daily exposure is slated for 85 dB sound is 8 hours.
  • Typically the safe amount exposure time is reduced by a factor 2 for every additional 3 dB
  • The safe exposure at 91 dB is only 2 hours [National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, 1998].
Even at this volume, continuing listening though the ear phone should be restricted to an hour after the volume "to enable the wearer to hear normal" by a rest period of 2 hours.

Prolonged exposure to loud noise can not only cause permanent hearing loss but also other health conditions like headaches, lack of orientation etc.

Due to the hearing loss, over a period of time, people become socially recluse leading to more severe conditions like chronic depression

In addition to its effects on hearing, noise pollution also causes Non hearing effects like,

  • Verbal communication - Interferes with speech communication.
  • Physical changes - Poor Concentration, Fatigue, Stress reaction. Exhaustion.
  • Sleep disturbances .
  • Cardiovascular Effects - Risk of hypertensive / IHD.
  • Mental Health Effects - Neurosis, Irritability, Anxiety, Emotional stress, Mood changes, Memory deficit.
  • Poor Performance - In school, work place.
  • Change in Behavior - Annoyance, Anger, Disappointment, Depression
That is their responsibility to monitor and regulate Ear phone use, thus ensuring that their children's have a wonderful childhood.

To conclude, everything in excess in not good for the individual and also for society

 Earphone Use Can Damage Your Ears <br/>-2

 Earphone Use Can Damage Your Ears <br/>-2

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