People suffering from traction alopecia or other forms of hair loss usually want to know how long the hair will begin to grow during recovery time. Trapped alopecia is different from other forms of alopecia caused by the physical effects of straining hair follicles. In other words, you will develop tow hair loss after you constantly drop your hair.
Tension is generally the result of a hair styling process or routine. In addition, hair growth is also known to cause traction alopecia, and often women wearing extension devices are at the highest risk of developing this condition.
Hair loss caused by traction alopecia generally begins with a line of bangs, but it can also occur in the form of general thinning of the head of the head or hair. As with other depilation forms, this condition may reduce the patient's own lack of self-confidence. Depilation in various other areas of the head can greatly reduce the number of available hairstyles. I will create more stress.
The good news is that you can regrow hair that you lose from tow hair loss. However, before choosing surgery as a treatment plan, we recommend that you give your hair a chance to naturally return and grow. This process certainly requires patience, time, and care of your hair, but the end result will be worth the effort. Recovery time of traction hair loss ranges from several months to several years. Recovery time depends directly on the extent of the damage and the length of time the abuse lasted.
Whether you like it or not, you must avoid the hairstyle that caused the damage first when towing hair removal. No matter how many articles you read, unless you are firm on the scalp, the extension or braid of the claim is okay but please do not listen to this advice. The sole weight from additional hair further stresses the already debilitating hair shaft and exacerbates already painful foam. Hair extensions and braids may infect the scalp. It symbolizes that scalp is emphasized only by inflammation. Therefore, it is best to avoid all activities that further stress the hair follicle and scalp. However, there are several things you can do to speed up the healing process of the scalp.
First of all, it is necessary to stop using hazardous chemical substances such as coloring agents and relaxers. For example, relaxers are used to make naturally shrinking hair permanently straight. The main cause of hair is that the keratin products that make up the hair contain amino acids called cysteine. Cysteine is bound to each other by a disulfide bond, as two sulfur atoms are bonded to each other. The more disulfide bonds are included in the hair, the more durable the hair is.
The relaxer simply caps disulfide bonds so that they can not be chemically modified. In general, relaxers decompose and cap the bonds using a base or reducing agent like phosphorus (sodium hydroxide). Sodium hydroxide itself is a very strong chemical substance, it may hurt the hair or burn the skin. Even though a commercially available relaxer is thought to be safer and more mild, we use the same chemical reaction to destroy and cap disulfide bonds. If the scalp is affected by traction alopecia, it may contain damaged follicles and may already be inflamed. Applying a relaxer to such a scalp burns and stimulates the skin exposed from a patch lacking hair, it only makes the situation even worse. You can extend recovery time. You will not recommend relaxing your hair until completely grown again.
Nutrition and diet also play an important role in recovery. Eating foods that are rich in proteins, vitamins, and minerals such as fruits and vegetables also helps start the biological healing process. We also recommend taking supplements to confirm that they receive nutrients indispensable for hair growth. You can always choose supplements specially for hair growth. Many of the vitamins made for hair, in particular, contain 200 mg of nutrients such as biotin, magnesium, iron, zinc and selenium. In particular, biotin is ideal for lengthening the length of time that hair stays in the growing stage where it keeps actively making her hair.
However, protein is very important to you. In fact, a dilute source of protein almost always contains vitamins essential for hair growth. But most importantly, your hair is made for proteins essential for the production of keratin. An easy way to increase protein intake is to consume protein cookies, shakes, bars.
In conclusion, in order to shorten the recovery time of traction alopecia, we must start with stopping the hair style which maximally compresses the hair follicle. You just want to wear a hair style that does not give you any strain on your hair. Furthermore, please do not put chemical relaxer and coloring agent on hair. Finally, make sure that your hair follicles are nourished from the body by consuming the proper amount of vitamins, minerals and protein. If these essential items can not be spontaneously consumed, you need to start replacement therapy to provide them.