There are several diseases which can cause a liver to malfunction. The cause of liver failure may be liver cell damage, obstruction to bile flow, viral hepatitis, drug induced hepatitis, cirrhosis, and liver cancer among many others.
If the liver cells are damaged, one may experience loss of appetite, occasional fever, minor abdominal pains, bleeding, and discoloration of the eyes and skin to become yellowish.
When there is a defective excretion and absorption of fat and fat soluble vitamins from the intestines, the bile flow may become obstructed.
There are several acquired hepatitis viruses that through the blood transfusion. These are hepatitis A, B, C, D and E infections. The hepatitis B is the most lethal of these hepatitis viruses. These infection can take away your life in just a matter of weeks specifically if not diagnosed early.
These drugs may cause damage to the liver. They may occur liver sell damage as well as bile flow obstruction depending on the medication given to a person. They may be medications for tuberculosis, antibiotic, anesthetic drugs and antipyretic especially when taken in high doses.
In this condition, the cells are totally damaged and replaced by non-functioning nodules. Cirrhosis is due to heavy alcohol intake, hepatitis B and C infections, and several others Cirrhosis, when it is in its final stage, can lead to liver cancer.
Cancer of the liver is the most fatal cause of liver failure. It is the most serious of all causes and can cause to death of a person in a very short period of time.
Tuberculosis, connective tissue disorders, blood malignancies and malaria are other diseases which can cause liver failure.