When liver disease progresses and organs no longer produce important proteins or can not complete the metabolic function in the body, it reaches the final stage of liver failure. When this happens, there is not much to do. Also, if a failure occurs, it is often fatal. In order to be able to rescue a patient who reached this last stage before complete liver failure, it is important to quickly diagnose the condition and start treatment immediately.
One of the biggest problems of end-stage liver failure is that many symptoms may have been signs of other disease states that are not so life-threatening. Indeed, many symptoms of liver failure that reached the final stage are actually harmless in nature. These have a general feeling that there is no restlessness, yawning, itching, feeling bad, and stuffy. However, when severe symptoms appear with mild symptoms, the doctor will conduct a test to see if the liver is functioning normally. More severe signs of liver failure include vomiting, hyperventilation, abdominal pain, swollen abdomen, dilation of the liver, jaundice, diarrhea, ascites and so on. There is a possibility that the patient may fall into a coma. When left untreated, hepatic failure almost always dies.
To determine the extent of progression of liver failure, doctors need to do many examinations. These must be done at the hospital and extensive laboratory work is required. The best assessment for determining the final stage of survival is CT scan, blood test laboratory enzymes, proteins and other elements, and HIV, ammonia and pregnancy tests. Certain effects and effects may also be indicative that the patient is suffering from advanced liver failure. It can overuse the use of certain drugs that cause reactions such as alcohol, liver cirrhosis, liver failure, previous diagnosis of hepatitis A or hepatitis B, etc.
Diagnosis of liver failure at the final stage occurs when the doctor judges that the organ can no longer fulfill the metabolic function or can not produce the protein to be synthesized. Upon reaching this stage, only liver transplantation is an option, but dialysis is also useful.