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 Alcohol and High Blood Pressure - Is There a Relationship? <br/>-2

It is no surprise, therefore, that the United States is one That & # 39; s 50 million individuals all in all. And that still does not include the other 30 million with borderline readings.

If so what is it? There is a relationship between alcohol and high blood pressure?

1. Alcohol impairs the liver & # 39; s ability to function properly.

The liver also works to to the liver, peeling it from cleaning the blood of the blood. metabolize certain hormones, such as rennin and angiotensin, and natural steroids which are used to maintain normal BP levels. An alcohol-impaired liver loses the ability to metabolize these hormones properly.

2. Alcohol contains a lot of calories that contribute to obesity.

The blood vessels then became consoleed and increased blood pressure and risk of busy struggling to process the alcohol in the bloodstream, it does not have any time to process. for heart diseases.

3. Right after consuming alcohol, blood pressure actually drops to lower levels while blood vessels relax and widen.

Alcohol also affects. This is it too difficult to have breath, so impose any person. This is also the reason why people who have too much to drink feel dizzy and lightheaded and even faint. That brain & # 39; s short-term memory zone. That & # 39; s why you can not remember your drunken antics at last night & # 39; s party.

4. Alcohol increasing systolic blood pressure (the pressure of the heart pumps out blood) and decreases diastolic blood pressure (the pressure in between heartbeats).

That is absolutely not true. In fact, if there is a big gap between your systolic and diastolic pressures, more than 40 mmHg, you most likely are suffering from stiff pipes or a leak in your aortic valve.

5. Even when you are not drinking alcohol at the moment, regular consumption can still raise blood pressure levels as alcohol reduces the amount of magnesium in your blood, a mineral which is used to keep blood pressure levels normal.

Consider it a healthy move for yourself, you should cut your alcohol consumption down and the start living a healthy life. Exercising, eating right, and de-stressing are definitely better at making you happy than alcohol does.

 Alcohol and High Blood Pressure - Is There a Relationship? <br/>-2

 Alcohol and High Blood Pressure - Is There a Relationship? <br/>-2

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