Approximately 60 to 76 million people have been diagnosed as having high blood pressure. High blood pressure (hypertension) is a disease that needs to be, its consequences can be deadly results. taking with concern, which means a change in lifestyle, a proper diet, exercise, medication and supplements may be needed. Left untreated, high blood pressure (HBP) damages and scars the aircrafts and can even be found in those who are calm and relaxed It is known as the "silent killer" as it has no initial symptoms but can lead to long - term disease, complications and death.
Blood pressure is the blood pressure of the body. Blood pressure is the blood of the blood vessel of the arteries that blood blood of the body. Blood pressure is displayed Normal pressure ranges should be less than than 120 Normal pressure ranges are reflected in the pressure in the pressure in the pressure beyond the pressure of the pressure in the arms between the hearts and the hearts. for Systolic and less than 80 for Diastolic. a high pressure condition can happen almost any time and it is vital that you know your number and how they have your life.
The body & # 39; s healthy arteries are made of muscle and a semi-flexible tissue that have an elastic-like stretch. Normal arteries are smooth and Flexible, and blood flow easily through them. If the force of the blood flow is high, the tissue that makes up the walls of arteries will be stretched beyond a healthy limit. This creates several problems and research studies, the risk of dying of a heart attack is directly linked to high blood pressure.
The body & # 39; s organs survive on oxygen that Keeping pressure at normal vessel reduces the risk of the injured, having a heart attack, having a stroke, having heart or kidney failure and having peripheral vascular failure. As the heart beats, pressure is created that pushes the blood through a network of tubular arteries and veins (blood vessels and capillaries) derived in the systolic and diastolic functions.
When the treaties are not as as elastic as the arteries it flows through, the higher the pressure. This increased overwork can result in damage to the heart. The muscles and valves in the heart will become damaged and result may be heart failure. Damage to the vessels transmitted to the brain and kidneys can negently affect these body organs.
Fortunately, high pressure is easily detected. It is likely to have high blood pressure symptoms for years and real affecting. You may not feel that anything is wrong, but high pressure can permanently damage your heart, brain, eyes and kidneys before you feel anything. When you are aware that you have high blood pressure, you should work with your doctor to control it.
The ingredients of these capsules are a combination of all natural vitamins, minerals and herbs that provide a natural blend of antioxidants and other substances that are beneficial for heart and other organ health.