When something goes wrong with a male penis, you will be convinced that you are aware. Perhaps you may be wondering what is going on. In fact, many problems with penile susceptibility arise from factors that men may be able to control with some change in criminal care. Other problems may require help from a doctor, but in most cases men can overcome loss of penile susceptibility and enjoy vigorous and fulfilling sexual life.
Main reasons for loss of penile susceptibility
There are other causes of loss of penis sensation, but these reasons are the most common:
1. Dry penis skin. This is the forerunner of loss of penile sensation and susceptibility. The good news is that it is very easy to treat! The penis skin is very delicate and constantly shocks things that can cause irritation and redness. This includes contact with undergarments and clothing on the skin, use of soap and other cleaning agents with drying effect, and of course vivid masturbation. However, other problems can come from exposure to latex, lubricants, body fluids and even perfumes and detergents that may cause allergic reactions. All of these problems lead to dry penis skin.
2. Blood flow problems. When circulation in the body is impaired, it affects everywhere - including punishment. Chronic health problems such as overweight, diabetes and high blood pressure, restrictive apparel, or physical activity such as cycling on a bicycle or horse regularly may cause blood circulation of poor people. Many of these problems, such as smoking, are certainly easy for men to treat. Some things like diabetes may be asked to control with the help of a doctor.
3. Nerve problem. This is certainly not as common as the first two reasons for the loss of penis sensation, but it happens, and sometimes it creeps up on a man. For example, diabetic neuropathy (or a neurological disorder caused by uncontrolled diabetes) may appear before even noticing that it is suffering from diabetes. Several nerve problems are well known for those who have them, like the nervous problem that occurs as a result of back surgery. In many cases, controlling fundamental problems will help men overcome nerve injuries and lead to a more fulfilling sexual life.
4. Prostate problem. As the age of men goes up, prostate problems become more common. One of the most common is the prostate enlargement, which means that the glands are pressed against other organs in the area, which leads to troubles with not only an erection but also a sense of penis. Those suffering from prostate cancer, men involving several treatments as well as surgical outcomes may notice a lack of susceptibility to penetration over time. In most cases, there is a cure that can help improve and improve the penis sensation of men who are dealing with these problems.
Best family care for loss of penile sensitivity
A man worrying about losing the sense of penis can see the top cream of the penis (Healthcare workers recommend Man 1 Man Oil, which has been demonstrated to be clinically mild and safe to the skin) It helps to ensure the most effective penis skin. A good cream contains a lot of wonderful ingredients such as vitamins C, D, B5, A. Awesome vitamins working together will enhance penis health. All of these with sheer butter and amino acids such as L-arginine and L-carnitine based on vitamin E all encourage pain relief by penis drying and health concerns of other penis.