Is there something worse than suffering from a painful situation and do you feel embarrassed to talk about the problem because of its intimate nature? This is the case of many pain due to depressed state neuralgia which is a little known disease affecting one of the most sensitive areas of the body. This area is innervated by the pudendal nerve and is named after the name of the Latin shame. Because of the location of incomplete knowledge and discomfort, some physicians refer to pain as psychological. But from the truth there is nothing more than that. Unfortunately, discussing the condition with gynecologist, urologist, and neurologist is often futile, as it knows nothing about the condition so it can not diagnose it.
Back neuralgia is a chronic and painful condition that occurs in both men and women, but research has shown that about two-thirds of patients with that disease are female. The main symptoms are pain in the genitals or anorectal region, and the immune discomfort usually deteriorates when sitting. Pain tends to go around the pelvic region and may occur on one or both sides of the body. People suffering explain pain like burning, like a knife, or painful, stabbing, pinching, twisting, and even paralysis. These symptoms usually involve urological problems, intestinal problems and sexual dysfunction. Sexual activity is extremely painful, if not impossible for many persundalits, as the pudendal nerve is the cause of sexual pleasure and is one of the primary nerves associated with orgasm. When this nerve is hurt, stimulated or trapped, or genital neuralgia occurs, life loses most of its pleasure.
So, where is the pudendal nerve? It is located deep into the pelvis and is divided into three branches that come from the sacral area, then go to the anorectal area, those going to the perineum, those to the penis or penis. Due to small anatomical changes in each individual, the patient's symptoms depend on which branch is affected, but often all three branches are involved. The fact that the pudendal nerve carries sensory, motor, and automatic signals increases the variety of displayable symptoms.
Puddle neuralgia is uncommon and may be similar to other diseases, so it is often misdiagnosed and may undergo unnecessary and unnecessary surgery. Early in the diagnostic process it is particularly important to receive the MRI of the lumbar-sacrum and pelvic region and to determine that the tumor or cyst is not squeezing the nerve. In addition, patients should be screened for the possibility of infection or immune disorder, assessed for pelvic floor muscle health by pelvic floor physical therapists and evaluated to assess whether skeletal alignment abnormalities are present. Accurate patient history is necessary to assess whether surgery, childbirth, or exercise has trauma or damage to the nerve. Inspections that provide additional diagnostic clues include sensory examination, pudendal nerve motor delay test, and electromyography. A nerve block that provides relief for several hours is another tool that helps to determine whether the pudendal nerve is the cause of pain.
One of the most common symptoms of congestive neuralgia is severe depression. Some people suffering from diseases are suffering with refractory pain. For that reason it is important to consider antidepressants as it not only alleviates bladder problems but also helps alleviate hypersensitivity in the reproductive area. While certain anti-stroke drugs have been reported to help alleviate neuropathic pain, anxiolytic drugs result in substantial relief of muscle spasm and assist in sleep. Unknown physicians are due to prescribing opiates for diseases that do not show visible abnormalities, but the desperate nature of reproductive neuralgia requires prescribing opiates for these patients . Dosing is not necessarily satisfactory, but it helps to eliminate the pain of many people. Patients with pubic neuralgia need adequate pain management, as the pain associated with this disease can be intense until appropriate treatment is decided.
Treatment depends on the cause of pain to the nerve. If the cause is unclear, it is recommended to first try the least invasive and least risky treatment.
- Physical therapy In particular, if pelvic floor dysfunction is the cause of nerve stimulation, including myofascial exfoliation and trigger point therapy through the vagina or rectum, with relaxation of the pelvic floor. If no improvement is seen after 6 to 12 sessions, neuropathy or nerve blockage may be considered.
- Botox It is used in medical practice to relax the muscles and promises to be injected into the pelvic floor muscle. It is difficult to find that a doctor is adept at this treatment.
- Using the pudendal nerve block Long-acting analgesics and steroids It can reduce neuroinflammation and is usually administered with three injections at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks.
- In cases where physical therapy, Botox, and nerve injections can not provide adequate relief, some patients Pudendal nerve decompression surgery.
Clearly a lot of research is necessary to find an effective way to more effectively manage the pain and weakness of genital neuralgia. However, during that time, friends and family close to those who are suffering from this devastating disease play a major role in dealing with patients, enabling the best living. Support, love, understanding is the most important for those suffering from this suffering.