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 Hurricane Season Tips -2

The hurricane season is from June 1 to November 30. Unfortunately, only one storm will cause tragedy. People need to create families' disaster plans, prepare necessary equipment and prepare kits. Your family should make plans and know how to stay safe in hurricanes. Educate ourselves in Hurricanes scale evaluation. They are evaluated on a scale of 1-5 according to the wind. The most important thing is to prepare your family. Discuss what you need to do as the hurricane came to the land or where to go in case of evacuation. Do not forget your pet. If your family is divided, please specify another person in the state or municipality as a contact.

Be sure to prepare the emergency evacuation kit before hurricane occurs. Store the kit in a container that is easy to transport and store it in a safe place. It must contain uncorrupted food and water. Battery, radio and flashlight. Match; first aid kit with bandages, tape, scissors, and medicine; manual can opener; emergency phone list. Sanitary articles and personal care supplies; cash or credit card. Please make sure your homeowner and flood policy is up to date. It is a good idea to take videos and pictures of furniture and items in your house and take them with you if you lose them.

If a storm is projected in your area, please pay attention to the weather channel to get the latest information. Support the windows of the board and the door of your house. Please fill your car with gas and make sure you have plenty of cash at hand. Boats, trailers, extra vehicles, if allowed by time, please move out of the storm path. Safe outdoor furniture, awnings, dustbin, and other items that may fire with violent wind. Cover the tapes and tightly close the air vents on all the road surfaces and the roof vents so that rain caused by wind and rain will not splash into the vents and flood the attic.

You should be ready to evacuate. If you are instructed by a local government, please follow the instructions. Please evacuate if you live in a moving house, a temporary building, or a skyscraper. If you live in the coast, in the vicinity of the water, or on the floodplain, you will be ordered to evacuate. If you can not evacuate, go to a safe room and stay indoors away from windows and glass doors during hurricane. When a hurricane came:

* Please leave hanging or depressed power lines and reservoirs
* Boil water before drinking
* Throw away potentially corrupt food
* Please repair emergency as much as possible to prevent further damage to your property. Save the receipt.

A part of the information provided by Travelers Insurance in the brochure of "Hurricane Tips". The author reserves the right to distribute it as an independent travelers agent.

 Hurricane Season Tips -2

 Hurricane Season Tips -2

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