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 Natural Remedies for Mole Removal at Home <br/>-2

Moles can become very disturbing when they appear on unappealing spots. While many will turn to tooth removal surgery to get rid of their unsightly facial mole, there are natural solutions to it.

I have not removed natural home remedy for this removal home home remedies is unproven and it differs from I personally have not I am guess it would be a good idea to share the common remedies most people used to remove moles at home.

I need to stress again, these home remedies are not scientifically proven. Try them at your own risk. Do not use them on malignant moles.

1. Hydrogen Peroxide

Use a Q-tip or cotton ball and soak it with hydrogen in the membrane with nail file gently, and then apply a layer of Vaseline to protect the surrounding skin. This is sting a little. do not cover the mole during the treatment to aid for fast healing. Some may report some protected it. You may apply some aloe Vera gels to soothe the stinging sensation after the hydrogen peroxide has discharged up. Some have reported to have their moles removed in a matter of days, leaving no scar.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Apply Vaseline to the surrounding skin with the surrounding skin with warm water for about 15 minutes. Apply Vaseline to the surrounding You can use cotton ball to treat larger mole. Leave it for at least 15 minutes before wash It off with warm water and pat dry. Repeat this for few times a day.

3. Fresh pineapple juice

Apply fresh pineapple juice onto the mole and leave it next morning. The alternative is can you put a small slice of pineapple onto the mole, and wrap it around with a simple bandage to keep it in place. to vanish after few applications.

4. Garlic

Cut a clove of garlic into half and place the cut part of the garlic slice onto the mole. Make a simple bandage around the garlic slice to keep it Leave it for overnight. If you can leave the bandage for 24 hours, it will speed up the treatment.

5. Iodine

You will see your mole to be totally after 3 months consecutively. Use it before you go to sleep and leave it overnight to leave it .

6. Honey

Apply pure honey for onto the mole a day. It may take a couple of weeks for you to see the mole fading away. Alternately, you can also mix flaxseed and flaxseed oil into the honey to aid in mole removal. Apply the mixture regularly on the mole and expect to see the mistake lighter after few days.

 Natural Remedies for Mole Removal at Home <br/>-2

 Natural Remedies for Mole Removal at Home <br/>-2

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