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 Roofing 101: Can You Spot the Signs of Hail Damage? <br/>-2

You may not be able to to spare signs of cracks or holes until you see a leak. Knowing what you look for and how to when you can protect your home and property before your roof springs a leak.

Does your Home Have Hail Damage?

While may have have roofing specialist; they may have past pastoral stomp can clue you in the potential issues, especially if you purchased a pre-owned home. While you may have gotten an all clear from your home inspection, a general home appraiser and inspector is not a roofing specialist; If you bought your home as-is, as a short sale, or at a foreclosure auction, you have no way of knowing the true state of your roof. If your neighbors say the area has a history of hail, you should check up for signs of cracks, chips, or leaks.

If, after experiencing a storm, you see signs of denting on your car, mailbox, shed, or other structures, you should have your shingles inspected by a professional. Chunks of ice that were large enough to dent metal and wood are also large enough you should have a homepage, you can have a professional if you have been affected. Hail is not selective, and if it has damaged your neighbors & # 39; affected yours as well.

Perform a Visual Inspection

You will not need to climb onto the roof (in fact, you should not, unless you are licensed contractor), but a visual inspection from a ladder and from the ground may be reveal some signs of damage. attention to the gutters to see if they are pocked or dented.

If you see chipped or broken shingles on the roof or broken bits of shingles in the gutter, you 've seen enough to call a professional roofer. A pair of binoculars can help you see spots Remember, you only need to see broken, chipped, or bare shingles to know something may be amiss.

Single Shingles Matter

A single cracked shingle may not seem like a big deal, but it can occurs cause you have a big amount of cracking or chipping, you & # 39; leaks that will threaten the overall structure of your house.

What Happens Next

Remember: spotting the signs of hail damage, it & # 39; s time to hand things over to a professional. Your home insurance will require professional roofing inspection for hail damage before approving repair or replacement work. signs of damage early can save the contents of your home.

 Roofing 101: Can You Spot the Signs of Hail Damage? <br/>-2

 Roofing 101: Can You Spot the Signs of Hail Damage? <br/>-2

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