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 Flood damage - What does your insurance cover? -2

Are you confused about the types of flood damage subject to housing insurance? In Florida, your policy may cover items that are not covered by other states. Since so many residents are coming from other states, an uncovered assertion is taking place, as the homeowner does not know that it is covered. Most homeowners know that storm damage is being covered but what if there is no storm?

In many cases, you can see damaged houses, but the owner can not afford to repair without knowing it, so it will be damaged further without being repaired. For example, if the dishwasher breaks down, if the toilet overflows, A / C leaks into the attic and the ceiling and wall water pipes are damaged and a leak occurs Yes, these are covered in Florida It is often done, but there is a possibility that it is not in other states. This is the place to check if you have an HO3 or HO2 policy. Most Florida policies are HO3.

Home owners should not use the word flood when talking to agents unless you are convinced that flood insurance has been added. Although it is in the policy of several homeowners in Florida, flood insurance is generally purchased separately. Please use the term flood damage as much as possible. It may be trivial, but it is a deliberate and intentional difference. You do not use these words in the same sense, so do not use the word flood when it means flood damage.

Also, this flowing water will fill your septicemia, as there are severe families in Florida where your toilet supply line dysfunction and water continues to flow, and you notice it from the toilet. Do not use the term of septic overflow or sepsis as your policy does not cover sepsis dysfunction. The original cause is the supply line of the toilet, so do not confuse your insurance company. Back up your sepsis and there is sewage throughout your house.

If you call the water purification company and are doing carpet cleaning with their name, you will not be silly as you are being charged to the insurance company that you paid to have the carpet cleaned, It happens and water cleanup Even if the crew detach your paddle with your carpet in the repair process your new carpet will not be replaced. Do not use a carpet cleaning company with water removal and cleanup as you obviously end the discussion.

Another word is type. The mold is always in your house and it is not a real problem if it is contained in a radius of 10 feet. The cause of mold is a real problem. Many homeowners do not pay attention to remodeling the bathroom and draining the steam of the shower. All bathrooms require ventilation openings or windows to drain moisture. If you tightly seal these and tile the whole room, you will get a mold behind the tile and eventually you will pass through a nearby room. If the inspector determines that there is no vent hole causing the cause, there is a possibility that it is not covered. We have to install a ventilation opening and we need to let household gas flow down to reduce mold.

Many homeowners do not know these small things that your allegations could be rejected. The best damages are good defense, so contact a trusted contractor. Excellent policyholders can directly charge insurance companies and carry out detailed billing analysis.

 Flood damage - What does your insurance cover? -2

 Flood damage - What does your insurance cover? -2

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