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 One of the harmful effects of smoking - second hand smoke -2

Side effects of smoking cigarettes and other tobacco products are very harmful, and some of the harmful effects of smoking are cancer, heart and lung diseases. Damage caused by smoking occurs most frequently in the airway and cardiovascular system.

But smokers are not the only people who are harmfully affected by smoking. Anyone, including non-smokers who are in close proximity to smokers, is in danger. Other people are exposed to "second-hand smoke" or "Environmental tobacco smoke."

Smokers of cigarettes breathe second hands to other people nearby. Non smokers are compelled to smoke either smokers using smokers or smoking cigarette smoking themselves. This is called passive smoking and is very harmful to non smokers.

Secondhand smoke does not usually have a definite harmful effect, especially if exposure is inconsistent and less frequent than when actually smoking cigarettes. But this is still wonderful if smokers frequently smoke indoors, confine smoke, and expose others in the room to smoke.

This is too much in cases where a family member consistently smokes in the rest of the family. The harmful effects of smoking involving smokers appear to passive smokers when they are frequently exposed to secondhand smoke.

In particular, children may succumb to the effects of smoking on smoking. Their body is still developed and has a faster heart rate than adults. Many children who have received secondhand smoke become not only adults, but also heart and lung diseases, but also cancer victims. If the harmful effects of smoking do not appear to passive smokers, this is not due to the inconsistent exposure to indirect smoking.

Smoking in a closed room or an inadequately ventilated room is not recommended for many workplaces. Currently, awareness about the impact of smoking is increasing not only for smokers but also for non smokers around smokers. Therefore, in many facilities strict rules are stipulated that smokers smoke outdoors rather than indoors.

Implementing protection measures for nonsmokers reduces the risk of workers voluntary passive smoking. However, these measures should not be implemented, risks to non-smokers remain, and the attention of responsible supervisors should be evoked.

 One of the harmful effects of smoking - second hand smoke -2

 One of the harmful effects of smoking - second hand smoke -2

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