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 Fracture - Its Pathophysiology, Signs and Diagnosis <br/>-2

The blood vessels which supply the bone and the periosteum are ruptured leading to haemorrhage. haemorrhage leads to the formation of a haematoma (a swelling containing clotted blood) around the fracture site.

In some fracture, nerves, skin and muscles around the fracture site may be damaged producing severe pain and loss of function. Complete break across bone shaft brings about deformity which presents with change in alignment and contour eg angulation, rotation of a limb or shortening of a limit.

Severe pain and shortening of the affected limb also occurring as a result of spasm of the surrounding muscles. Severe pain and haemorrhage as occurs in open fracture produce shock.

Injury to undering organs or tissues eg brain, lungs, urinary bladder, spinal cord etc may occur as the broken bone ends penetrate into them by leading to brain injury, pneumothorax, bladder perforation, or paralysis. the part thebyy causing the by paralysis eg injury to the radial nerve as a result of fracture of the Radius can cause paralysis of the arm.

This may lead to osteomyelitis (Inflammation of the bone marrow) if not properly handled.

Signs and symptoms of fraction
1. kind of pain sometimes is enough to make the patient go into a state of shock if not controlled.

2. Deformity: Deformity occurs with fraction of the limbs. In some cases the affected limb is shorter than the second.

3. Loss of function: In individual case of the affected part due to pain, tenderness or deformity. In case of the arm the patient can also not lift with the affected limb or move it above the head.

4. Muscle spasm: There is usually involuntary muscle contracting around the fracture site. This is often responsible for the severe pain and shortening of the limb.

5. Oedema: There is different swelling around and below the fracture site as a result of effusion of blood into the surrounding tissues. Oedema could also be due to inflammatory reaction from the injury.

6. Crepitation: Crepitation is heard or felt as the patient attempts to move the affected part or on palpation. This is due to the bone fragments rubbing against one another.

7. Paralysis: Paralysis of the affected part may occur if the broken bone end pierces the nerve is the part. Fracture to the forearm could lead to bone fragmentation piercing the radial nerve and sub paralysis of the forearm and the hand.

8. Discoloration: Discoloration of the site occurs as a result of the effusion of blood under the skin. This is referred to as ecchymosis.

Diagnosis of fracture
1. Presenting signs and symptoms: Signs and symptoms such as Crepitation, shortening, outward or inward rotations are diagnostic.
2. X-ray: This will reveal part of the bone that is broken.

 Fracture - Its Pathophysiology, Signs and Diagnosis <br/>-2

 Fracture - Its Pathophysiology, Signs and Diagnosis <br/>-2

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