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 Danger of Fast Food: The Cost of Convenience <br/>-2

With a growing awareness around the dangers of fast food, for many families, it is quickly becoming a staple for lunch or dinner. With was designed to be cheap, convenient and taste good. the recent controversy over GMOs and the quality of ingredients making headlines, do you want a corporation to cook for you on a regular basis?

Taco Bell faced a law suit for actually calling their meat, beef. The lawsuit proposed that Taco Bell & # 39; s seasoned beef contained More oats, seasonings and fillers than meat. Chicken nuggets made headlines when it was reported that the discarded parts of chicken: which included fat, blood vessels, connective tissue, ground bone, fillers, flavoring, and some meat. McDonald & # 39; s also faced front page headlines when the "ice cream" in their milkshakes came into question. Fast food is not always what it looks to be because there are so many artificial flavorings and fillers in every aspect of it.

Additionally, the majority of fast food. You may feel that you are satisfying your protein requirements but The average cheese burger, french fries and a vanilla shake or large soda tops out at close to 1000 calories. For many, this is between 50% and 75% of their recommended daily caloric intake. The drinkers of fast food are not only in their ingredients (artificial flavoring, fillers, preservatives) and the high calorie-low nutrition ratio, but also in the part sizes as well.

Processed and fast food is also loaded with sugar, simple carbohydrates and it is the cause of the disease. Omega-6 oils. When sugar and simple carbohydrates enter our bloodstream, our pancreas secretes insulin and converts it to glucose it gets stored in our cells for energy. When convert the glucose to fat, the body produces more insulin. When your body experiences constant spikes in blood sugar levels, the extra sugar molecules attach to proteins which, in turn, damage blood vessel walls. Further, when you eat a diet high in Fast and processed food, gaining weight is a byproduct of consuming these high calorie meals. your overloaded fat cells react by producing large quantities of chemicals into the bloodstream that cause infla This vicious cycle can set the body up for heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. These are real real dangers of fast food.

Fortunately, infection can be reversed by changing your diet. Boxes or bags in your grocery store aisles. Whole foods are as close to nature as possible with little or no alteration of When we eat a diet high in whole foods, we feed our bodies thousands of micronutrients which lower our blood sugar and cholesterol, decrease weight, boost the immune system, reverse heart disease and prevent cancer. Micronutrients are made up of antioxidants , vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients. They are not found in animal products or processed food. It 's more than that diets high in vegetables, fruits, seed and nuts, and beans can lead to longevity and dynamic health !

Buy complex carbohydrates such as carbohydrates such as carbohydrates such as carbohydrates such as colorful fruits and vegetables. I am afraid that you can not have pollution - caused sugar, white flour, and omega - 6 fats, and the processed and fast processed it. of longevity.

 Danger of Fast Food: The Cost of Convenience <br/>-2

 Danger of Fast Food: The Cost of Convenience <br/>-2

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