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 Personal Security - Commentary Driving <br/>-2

The Problem

When we are concerned about being attacked, we fortify our homes and workplaces. People, targeted for violence (as opposed to targets of opportunity or collateral damage) are most frequently asserted when they are in transit - usually between home and work.

There are several reasons for this:

  • The target & # 39; s travel is predictable.
  • The assailant is able to determine the time and place, giving the attacker the home-field advantage.
  • The assailant can see the target, or at least the target vehicle, before being seen.
  • The attacker can control control the target using roadblocks, distractions, or other ruses.
  • Even if unable to slow or stop the target, the attacker may employ may explosive.
A Solution

Studying confirm that perceptions from multiple senses are more impactful than those from only one. Commentary driving is observing your environment and, at the same time, hearing yourself describe it aloud as you drive . It is a sure way to a sure way to place yourself in alert condition yellow (relaxed but alert). Seeing something and only thinking about it is not nearly as as effective.

Commentary driving is an excellent way to avoid accidents as well as attacks. A similar procedure was originally developed specific for accident avoidance.

Most people who try the technique quickly discover things in their custom environment that they never noticed before.

Also look on traffic and pedestrian patterns, street vendors, street vendors, drivable terrain on the shoulder of the road, areas where maneuver is restricted, potential escape routes, etc. On later travel in the same area look for changes. for alternate routes, safe havens, danger areas, and potential surveillance and attack sites.

The Technique

A piece of yellow tape on the GPS or at the 12:00 o clock position on the steering wheel can serve as a reminder to employ the procedure.

Power lines, lampposts, or tree lines That parallels the road and are There is a farthest point in the road where you have an unobstructed view of the road. Say, "Limit point" and then describe it. For example, "Limit point - crest," or "Limit point - road curves left." It is important to scan The sooner a threat is recognized, the more time there is is to react.

Finally say, "Mirrors" and describe what is behind you.

Repeat the process. Having moved, a new scene is now in view and objects originally spotted in the distance are now closer. You may mention the same object multiple times.

Some Warnings

First, some people may find that this distracts you from your other driving tasks.

There is no need to say, "I see indications of a hidden driveway on the right side of the road about 20 yards ahead," when " Hidden drive right, "will suffice." Light traffic you may describe each vehicle you see. In heavy traffic you can simply say, "Heavy traffic."

That one thing may be distorted causing you to miss other, possibly more dangerous, concerns. There is a tendency to mention only imminent If there is no actual or potential danger, comment on whatever you see.

It will not be tired after 20 to 30 minutes of commentary driving. That is not physical exercise or paranoia that is taxing you; it is the extreme concentration that, from is the purpose of, commentary driving. be commenting as you drive but will find that proper has has has automatic.


It must critical practice commentary driving frequently in order to master it. It could critical to use it in can not save your life.

 Personal Security - Commentary Driving <br/>-2

 Personal Security - Commentary Driving <br/>-2

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