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 You share a common sign of malnutrition -2

It is a well-known fact that a healthy diet supplies energy to the body and provides the necessary ingredients for cell development. The disadvantages of nutrients may adversely affect your daily activities, but if you are very careful, there are some signs that clearly indicate that nutrients are going down. Here are some.

Pale complexion

If your skin is abnormally thin, it means that there is iron deficiency in your body. Iron deficiency results in less red blood cells, thinner, hemoglobin decreases, and red color is lost. Anemic skin resembles not only the inner layer of your eyelid but also the mucous membrane, eg the tissue in your mouth. By ingesting iron-rich foods like spinach, beef, lentils, iron-reinforced cereals, you can increase the iron level.

Dry dehydrated skin

Dry skin is very common in winter, but if the skin is dryer than normal, there is a possibility that omega-3 fatty acids are lacking during meals. Omega 3 nourishes your skin's lipid barrier that eliminates harmful bacteria and toxins and plays an important role in maintaining moisture. If you lack omega-3 fatty acids during meals, your skin loses its moisture. This leads to inconvenient scaly texture. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include sardines, salmon, flaxseed, chia seeds, walnuts and so on.

Pain in cracked lips

When your lips rip more than normal it may be an indication that there is no riboflavin in your diet. If your diet lacks riboflavin, the corners of the mouth may tear and the lips dry. You may also notice a swollen red tongue and an inflamed mouth. If it is not evaluated in time, it may eventually lead to nerve damage that will crook your toes and fingers. Foods rich in riboflavin are broccoli, salmon, almonds, eggs and so on.

Bleeding gum

Frequent bleeding of gum indicates that your diet has vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin K helps blood coagulation, it not only stops bleeding after cutting, it helps to prevent uncontrolled bleeding from delicate tissues such as gingiva. You can get a lot of vitamin K in your diet by taking plenty of dark, leaf and green vegetables.

 You share a common sign of malnutrition -2

 You share a common sign of malnutrition -2

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